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Freemasons and Knights Templar 2005-03-23
There are many rumours and stories about the Freemasons and Knights Templar. Do you think there i...
Did we Land on the Moon? 2005-03-11
FOX TV aired a conspiracy theory program which argues that the apollo moon missions were all FAKE.
Is College Extortion 2005-02-24
Colleges make tons and tons of money jacking up the prices of their books. Is this capitalism a...
Ghost? 2005-02-21
Do you believe in ghosts?
Extraterrestrials -- UFOs 2005-01-27
The nature of extraterrestrial life and UFOs
Is the IRS right to cover up Section 861? 2005-01-17
The IRS refuses to answer questions about Section 861 of the United States Income Tax Code. Are t...
The Tetra Pak Conspiracy 2005-01-14
Tetra Paks are supposedly "innovative", but are they really a conspiracy?
Driving and the rich 2005-01-03
Are we SLAVES for the rich, and driving is our way of "working" for them?
Bush STOLE the Presidency (again) 2004-12-12
Cal State Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, who doesn't protest the election results? (And Shrubya fa...
Is Driving Downtown a Conspiracy 2004-10-29
Is Driving Downtown a Conspiracy to kill Pedestrians? Why does driving down the street pair one ...
Booth Conspiracy 2004-10-26
Read the facts. You are the jury. Was Booth part of a larger conspiracy than history has written?
Record high gasolene prices 2004-10-18
Part of the fallout from the Iraq War is the seriously curtailed flow of oil from that country. T...
Are You Psychic? 2004-10-12
How many people believe they have psychic powers?
Jewish Conspiricy 2004-10-04
Do you believe in the Jewish conspiricy theory?
Homosexuality 2004-09-28
Causes of Homosexuality!
More... Fun with Conspiracies 2004-07-26
Here are a few interesting things to ponder: What do you think?
What happened on 9/11 ? 2004-07-21
You are kindly invited to give your opinion on what happened on 9/11. This poll, with rather tec...
Paranormality 2004-07-19
Do you think their is a conspiracy in our government 2004-07-07
Is their a conspiracy in our government to cover up aliens, alienation of a race, or other things...
The Big Bad Paranormal Poll 2004-06-11
I went searching for paranormal polls on here, and I only found one poll. So, here's a new parano...
Do you like PIE? 2004-06-02
MI5 is it really working 2004-04-07
just because of this latest 'nip in the bud' of 2 terrorists trying to poisen a few brits, is MI5...
What came first the chicken or the egg (then there's a poll) 2004-03-09
Ok this is the thing everybody always wants to know what came first the chicken or the egg..so to...
michael jackson----guilty?? 2004-02-02
a little boy ,terminally ill, claims that michael jackson,2nd richest man in the world,melested h...