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Donald Trump Is Unqualified To Be President, Majority Of American Voters Say 2016-09-16
<img src=https://s15.postimg.org/n5vwa1yyz/donald_trump_bankruptcy_lies_r.jpg/>
Will you vote for this man as your President? 2016-09-15
<img src=https://s13.postimg.org/80jm7bmx3/0001024986.jpg/> He cursed the Pope and he go...
Trump: Clinton could "shoot somebody" and not get prosecuted 2016-09-11
<img src=https://s10.postimg.org/3zvz58ivt/donald_trump_vs_hillary_clinton_xl.jpg/> Do you...
Do you agree with Clinton's idea of negotiating with North Korea? 2016-09-10
<img src=https://s17.postimg.org/dzvz5oxjz/hillary_clinton_kim_jong_un_ap_640x480.jpg/> No...
President 2016. Who are you going to vote for? 2016-09-10
Who will you most likely vote for in November
Barack Obama warns of Cold War-style 'cyber arms race' with Russia 2016-09-09
<img src=https://s12.postimg.org/c403dsy8d/barack_obama_vs_vladimir_putin_rivalry_18737.jpg/&g...
Who won in the debate at the National Security Forum? Trump or Clinton? 2016-09-08
<img src=https://s16.postimg.org/86qk05tmt/clinton_trump_split.jpg/>
Yard Signs, Polls, WikiLeaks and Weiner 2016-08-31
Yard Signs, Polls, WikiLeaks and Weiner
Hillary Clinton cracks 50 percent in new national poll 2016-08-27
<img src=https://s11.postimg.org/xgtrgrv83/hillary_clinton_thumbs_up.jpg/> Recent Poll is ...
Is there still hope for Donald Trumps Presidency? 2016-08-25
<img src=https://s12.postimg.org/9qfhpz2f1/Donald_Trump_Choking.jpg/> Donald Trump can bea...
Who do you believe more? Clinton or Powell? 2016-08-22
<img src=https://s10.postimg.org/mcu8990rd/Powell_vs_clinton_emails_01.jpg/> POWELL: DON'T...
Will you accept a Syrian Refugee in your home? 2016-08-21
<img src=https://s13.postimg.org/hmud6e1k7/syrian_refugees_turkey_2.jpg/> With the risk th...
Working in the USA 2016-08-21
Working in the USA
Paul Manafort resigns from Trump campaign 2016-08-20
<img src=https://s3.postimg.org/4hagxaiwz/19_paul_manafort_donald_trump_w750_h560_2x.jpg/> ...
Trump or Clinton ? 2016-08-18
Vote for your next US president!
<img src=https://s3.postimg.org/kyywxu5ur/o_MICHELLE_OBAMA_EASTER_facebook.jpg/> Do you ...
Trump shakes up campaign, prepares to roll out long-awaited ads 2016-08-17
<img src=https://s3.postimg.org/3nzcpgveb/Trump.jpg/> Donald Trump, hitting reset on his 2...
Trump vs The Media (New York Times) 2016-08-15
<img src=https://s3.postimg.org/t4dpygu9f/WVI6_Jt.png/> Donald Trump: I'm running agains...
Do you believe on Hilary Clinton's email scandal? 2016-08-14
<img src=https://s3.postimg.org/5chw7e4g3/crazy_hillary.jpg/> Clinton exclusively used a p...
Trump: If Clinton wins Pennsylvania, she cheated - Do you agree? 2016-08-13
<img src=https://s10.postimg.org/cgrcrce7d/Screen_Shot_2015_10_07_at_11_11_39_AM.png/>
Trump Deserted By Partners as Immigrant Furor Grows - Is it game over? 2016-08-13
<img src=https://s10.postimg.org/ivwy020o9/Donald_Trump_Iowa_REUTERS_800x430.png/> The b...
A Little Bit of Everything 2016-08-13
A Little Bit of Everything
Trump hints "assassination threat" against Clinton 2016-08-10
<img src= https://s32.postimg.org/l3e42oys5/trump_vs_clinton.jpg/> Donald Trump has been...
Hillary vs Trump 2016-08-10
Some facts about our two choices. See how much you are informed, and give us an honest vote at t...
Moving Past the Conventions 2016-08-08
Moving Past the Conventions