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Choose my pjs


Posted by carg85 on 2021-06-19 15:11:21

Yeah, I know that I don't have to help you with anything, but I just like doing it, and with autism I have some experience. But like you say, you have a therapist for that, who should be better at that than I. Unluckily often the only way to decrease fears is to expose yourself to them.

I get the impression your parents are in no rush for you to leave home, the way they don't cooperate much in getting you more self-reliant. ;-) Does the way they show their affection for you change in any way when you are in little mode? Like more hugging or taking you on their lap? From what you described I'd guess they won't do baby talk.

For me diapers are more collateral than a real interest in itself, but they help being locked in clothes for longer, and since a number of AB things interest me, I wanted to experiment with them a bit. Of course that really helped with writing the story. I think it is less than once a month that I use one, but over the few years I occasionally use them I have tried a number of different ones, and have little problem letting go, apart from when lying down. But since I get leaks easily that way (male anatomy directs the flow in the wrong direction) that is not a problem.

I am surprised that you still sometimes have trouble keeping your diapers on. I thought you fully accepted them, but during the daytime not so much? Don't know if you still have some of those back-zip jumpsuits you bought some years ago (from Asos I think) - those might be an alternative to PJ's in the day then? But no wonder then that your therapist recommends keeping the back-zipped ones. What I don't understand is what you write about the advantages of back-zipped ones, with the leg zipper or snaps: wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the back zipper, since that would allow you to take off your diaper anyway?

Probably the reason that we mostly talk about you, is that before you were the one who needed someone listening and giving some advice. For me that worked well, since what was happening to you was in the field of my interest. On the other hand I had little reason to tell you anything about e.g. bondage, especially not while you were still underage. But if you like the story, we can definitely talk about that, and any feedback is welcome. It does start rather sad, but that is only to set the context, and it will soon get a lot more positive. About the teeth brushing: I believe I was supposed to brush 3x a day when I was young (but that's a long time ago!), but yes, the idea is that the mother is rather strict.

Would you be interested in shifting the conversation from MisterPoll to email? Since MisterPoll is not really used much anymore, and serious bugs haven't been fixed for years, I always wonder how much longer it will be available, and when it goes suddenly all we wrote is gone, and we have no way to contact each other anymore. Apart from that we don't have to visit MrPoll to check if there are new messages, and won't get bothered by the weirdo's who feel the need to 'contribute' to the conversation. (Well done for removing some of the recent ones!) It would also make it easier to share personal things that we might not want to share with the whole world. Of course you would best use a dedicated email instead of your normal one, but you probably have one already anyway for the little communities and such. If you want that, you can mail me at carg@xs4all.nl.

Posted by mandi2 on 2021-07-25 12:36:31

Hi, i am a girl,15 and a bedwetter. I have to wear a 'thick cloth diaper and rubberpants' [plasticpants] to bed everynight per my parents requirement! Everynight,i have to lay naked on my bed,mom slides the diaper under me,applies the babypowder,brings the diaper up and pins it with diaper pins.Then she pulls adult size rubberpants up my legs and over the diaper.I feel like a baby laying there and do not like wearing the diaper and rubberpants to bed,but mom and dad wont buy me anything else!Last winter,i wore a footed blanked sleeper to bed and my diaper and rubberpants bulged out under it!Some of my rubberpants have babyprints on them which i dont like,but mom bought me them because they are 'cute'.Does anyone have any advice as to how i can convince my parents to let me wear other forms of protection?

Posted by Alisandra on 2021-12-06 18:47:32

Hi Kitsune! I have a kids bed with sides and a lid (like the crib you were talking about) and I used to hate it, but I've gotten used to it! I love knowing I'm safe at night and that mom cares so much about me, but I do wish my bedtime was an hour later so I would be tired and go right to sleep... it's annoying only being able to stare at the ceiling until I get tired. Since it would be unsafe for me to have blankets with the bars, I wear PJs that are a lot like yours... they're back zip one piece with feet and mittens. They don't have a lock or a button over the zipper though... there are ties attached to the zipper pull that mom puts through loops at the back of my neck then double knots.

Posted by bbaer on 2023-12-19 11:23:36

Hi Alisandra,

if I am not mistaken, you are matured age now. Still sleeping in your crib?

Posted by suckspacifier on 2024-02-08 12:54:33

To Carg85-I am a girl,14,going on 15 soon and still bedwetting from puberty!Ever since my bedwetting started just past age 12,i have been wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed every night.My parents wont let me wear any thing else but them. Mom puts the diapers and adult size plastic pants on me an hour before bedtime and then i put my footed pjs on over them.I have two pair of the ones like in the photo that i wear now that it is winter here.My diapers and plastic pants bulge out under my footed pjs and the plastic pants crinkle when i walk.When i have my diapers and plastic pants and footed pjs on,i feel somewhat like a baby and have a pacifier that i use after i am in bed.