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Why does the Scala programming language failed to break through till nowadays?

Why does the Scala programming language failed to break through till nowadays?

20% (1) The Scala language is too complex for the average programmer.
0% (0) Too numerous breaks to backward compatibility.
20% (1) Its just not accepted enough and its not sure if it will survive.
0% (0) There aren't enough librarys and frameworks to work with.
0% (0) The work of the language developers weren't good enough.
40% (2) The IDE's aren't good enough for Scala.
20% (1) The Scala language is not well known yet.
20% (1) Companies change to Scala would cost too much.
0% (0) There is simple no need for the language Scala and it's features.
20% (1) There is a little break through and stackoverflow's data isn't representative.
40% (2) The number of questions at stackoverflow don't say nothing about quality and java questions are often from beginners.
0% (0) Other reason.

5 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-12-13 12:42:37 by Falk
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