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What guys think about tall girls

This poll is meant to find out what guys think of taller girls.
First of all, I'd like to know your gender, as this is a poll for guys only.
Yup, I'm a guy! (In that case, go ahead!)
I'm a girl. (Sorry, please find another poll)
Secondly, I'd like to know your own height.
4'8" (142 cm) or shorter
4'9" - 5' (145 - 152.5 cm)
5'1" - 5'4" (155 - 162.5 cm)
5'5" - 5'8" (165 - 172.5 cm)
5'9" - 6' (175 - 183 cm)
6'1" - 6'4" (185.5 - 193 cm)
6'5" - 6'8" (195.5 - 203 cm)
6'9" (205.5 cm) or taller
Have you ever met a girl taller than you?
No, never.
Yes, once a girl who was a little taller.
Yes, once a girl who was way taller.
Yes, every now and then I meet taller girls.
Yes, quite often.
Yes, almost all girls are taller than me.
Yes, I have yet to meet a girl who is SHORTER than me.
Is a girl of about 5'8" (172.5 cm) tall in your country?
I do not think that is tall.
It's about average.
That is a bit above average.
That's quite tall!
That's really tall!
Is a girl of about 6' (182.5 cm) tall in your country?
Pretty tall for a girl, but not rare.
That's a tall girl allright.
That is a very tall girl.
Never seen a girl that tall.
OMG, you mean girls can actually grow THAT tall?
Do you feel intimidated by girls who are a good deal taller than you?
No, girls are girls.
No, I do not have a reason to feel intimidated by ANYTHING.
Yes, but nothing serious.
Yes, I dislike the idea of a girl being taller than me.
Yes, I actually can be somewhat scared by girls that tall.
Only if they act like a bitch in addition to being tall.
Do you think tall girls think they intimidate guys.
Yes, tall girls often are very concious of their height.
Yes, there are quite some exeptions.
Yes, but only a few of them.
No, I don't think that they think they intimidate us.
Would you consider dating a girl who is taller than you?
No, I only date shorter girls.
No, my own height is the limit.
Yes, if she is nice, why not?
Yes, but she IS very tall, I would be uncertain.
Yes, I feel attracted to tall girls.
Yes, I wouldn't even consider dating a shorter girl!
Do you think guys have to be taller than girls?
Yes, guys should be taller.
Yes, but I can understand that a really tall girl can have difficulties finding a taller guy.
No, it's fine, though I prefer shorter girls myself.
No, I don't mind if a girl is taller.
No, girls should always be taller.
If a 6' (182.5 cm) tall girl asks you if you think she's too tall. What do you answer.
Yes, you're way too tall!
Well, erm... you ARE a bit on the tall side...
I don't know...
No, you're not too tall, there are girls who are far taller, you shouldn't complain.
No, you should be proud, lot's of girls wish they could be that tall.
No, you are not too tall at all.
No, you can't be too tall!
When in the presence of an extremely tall girl. Do you feel like a little kid?
Huh? Why should I?
No, but I would feel short.
Not really
Yes, a little bit.
Yes, she's so tall.
Do you look or even stare if you spot a very tall girl?
Yes, but then again, I stare at almost all girls...
Yes, totally wow.
Yes, it's not something you see every day you know.
Yes, but I don't want to embarass her.
Yes, I can't help it.
No, I don't want to embarass her.
No, I rather look at shorter girls.
No, tall girls are disgusting.
No, I'm afraid of her.
If you where short (or if you are), and you where in a crowd, but couldn't see anything of the happening. And an extremely tall girl came up, offering to lift you, so that you can see. Would you accept her offer?
No way, I decline. Girls shouldn't lift guys.
No, sorry, that is rather embarrasing.
No, I wouldn't feel very comfortable doing that, but thanks anyway.
Well, yes, it offers me a way to see something.
Yes, thank you, that is very kind of you!
Yes, but only if there are no friends nearby.
Yes, this is heaven.
Yes, but please be gentle...
And finally: Do you think the concept 'tall' depends on where you live? (I do)
Yes, it depends on where you live.
No, it has nothing to do with where you live.
This poll was created on 2005-11-25 14:32:07 by MMPoll