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The Official Mister Poll Forum

Looking for a lawyer

Posted by Sandrach on 2021-09-28 14:39:22

Good morning everyone. Unfortunately, I had an incident happen at my workplace, and I'm thinking about suing since it resulted in an injury. Being Philadelphia, it's hard to navigate the local laws yourself, so I'm looking for legal counsel.

Posted by Asecrizur on 2021-09-29 19:31:57

Philadelphia or not, it's never worth trying to represent yourself in court. Professionals always do it better.

Posted by Noregeni on 2021-09-29 20:42:26

Good advice, and Philadelphia has some very specific laws that can really trip an unsuspecting citizen. Do the right thing and contact a work injury lawyer Philadelphia if you're looking for a successful case. Professional attorneys will gather all the evidence and information that can help your argument and win the case for you.