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stronger Siblings

stronger brother

Posted by Mike V on 2002-10-04 23:00:30

When I started taking this poll I did not realize it included abuse by a stronger sibling. My brother is much stronger but he is never abusive - he is the easiest guy to get along with you could ever find. He does his own chores and half of mine and does not complain. He is a great guy to be around and always taked my side if my parents are mad or going to punish me. So I can not answer the part of the poll about abuse, I would say there are advantages to having a stronger brother

Posted by jenny333 on 2003-04-14 14:32:30

========== In Reply To ========== When I started taking this poll I did not realize it included abuse by a stronger sibling. My brother is much stronger but he is never abusive - he is the easiest guy to get along with you could ever find. He does his own chores and half of mine and does not complain. He is a great guy to be around and always taked my side if my parents are mad or going to punish me. So I can not answer the part of the poll about abuse, I would say there are advantages to having a stronger brother

He is right! I also started answering this poll and later realized that the word "abuse" is used in issue... I broke off answering then. The word abuse is much too strong for this! I've also got a big (stronger) brother and sometimes he really drives me crazy. He also teases me with his strength sometimes, but just in a playful way. In fact he's pretty cool. Of course stronger sibs get on your nerves sometimes but there are also advantages. In my case those advantedges a more than the disadvantages...

Posted by Shadow639 on 2008-10-19 17:14:36

My bro is indeed stronger than me, (I'm 14 he's almost 17) but he's never abusive. Sure he playfully pins me and makes me say he's superior and stuff but he'd never abuse me verbally or physically. The only thing close enough to call "abuse" would be that he pins and tickles me senseless from time to time.