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wetting accident statistics


Posted by tretery on 2010-03-23 23:24:58

For one, it isnt nice to laugh at someone who cant help it, i mean how would you feel if you were, say at a bar, and all the sudden wet your pants and couldnt help it, and then had a friend laugh at you? Now that isnt to say that your friend hasnt laughed at it, in which case if you were both laughing about it then no problem then.

As for if you should try wetting, what can it hurt, i mean you wash your clothes right? You shower dont you? So i would say why not, i mean just pick a day close to when you are gonna be doing laundry, then try it, take a few mins at least to see how it feels then hop in the shower, if you dont like it, then just dont do it anymore. it is a simple as that.

However, there is a little more to doing it, some people have a hard time actually doing it because we are taught from a young age not to. But the way i look at it, if you are an adult, then you have the right, however if you are not legally an adult by age, you DO have to think about what your parents might say, or how they will react. If this friend is a good friend and you are not an adult, then you have to think, what if i do this and my parents find out, what will i tell them, if i tell them i did it cause my friend said i should, will they let me remain his friend.

I know it is a lot to think about, but if you are curious, just think about what i have said, and either try it or not.