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Posted by fableked on 2002-11-18 04:47:43

You are amazing. All of you. The Mormon religion breaks from Christianity in many ways. It differs in belief in the Trinity, belief that Acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior is the only way to heaven, and belief that God's whole plan came from the idea that humans could become gods.

When we read Genesis, we see that Satan's try at corrupting humanity was by telling the humans that it was possible for them to be as God. The original sin was trying to become gods. Lucifer's sin was trying to exault himself as a god. Joseph Smith continued the satanic tradition of saying it is possible for created beings to become gods.

These are just three of the ways Mormons differ from Christians.

The only possible conclusion is that Mormons are not Christians.

Posted by JDogg on 2002-11-29 23:51:45

We believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as the godhead. They are separate individuals but are all one in purpose. Jesus Christ is the only way back to heaven. God made us in his image, so can't we possibly become like him someday?

My definition of Christian is a follower of Christ which the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints definitly teaches us to be. Although our doctrine may be different than a non-denominational Christian church, we still are Christians by my definition.

========== In Reply To ========== You are amazing. All of you. The Mormon religion breaks from Christianity in many ways. It differs in belief in the Trinity, belief that Acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior is the only way to heaven, and belief that God's whole plan came from the idea that humans could become gods.

When we read Genesis, we see that Satan's try at corrupting humanity was by telling the humans that it was possible for them to be as God. The original sin was trying to become gods. Lucifer's sin was trying to exault himself as a god. Joseph Smith continued the satanic tradition of saying it is possible for created beings to become gods.

These are just three of the ways Mormons differ from Christians.

The only possible conclusion is that Mormons are not Christians.

Posted by djangoman on 2007-01-30 21:38:59

Let the Latter-day Saints talk about their religion. Let the Baptists talk about their religion and tell us what they believe. I'm not going to give you a lesson on Baptist theology like I know what they believe because I don't understand that religion. Please, please don't teach about beliefs you do not understand. Do you think you are obeying the commandment of not barring false witness?

Posted by mormondude on 2008-07-20 03:37:18

we don not believe that we will become gods, we believe that we will become like god. as most christians believe, we were made in the immage of god. We will have flesh and bone, and will not be able to have pain or grief.