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Punishment For Rape

Should mothers be able to castrate their sons?

Posted by Katrina on 2002-12-18 00:46:37

If a mother has a son who is metally retarded should a mother be able to have her son castrated before he reaches puberty? Also if a son is shown to be brain damaged at birth should a mother be able to request that her son be castrated before taking her son home from the hospital? I think so.

Posted by tmunt on 2003-01-16 19:11:17

I do not agree with this.

Mentally challenged people can still contribute to, and appreciate life. This sets a very dangerous "slippery slope". Should we then castrate boys who are born with physical birth defects such as undeveloped limbs, vision or hearing?

No! This is too dangerous a precedent.


========== In Reply To ========== If a mother has a son who is metally retarded should a mother be able to have her son castrated before he reaches puberty? Also if a son is shown to be brain damaged at birth should a mother be able to request that her son be castrated before taking her son home from the hospital? I think so.

Posted by tj on 2003-01-31 09:48:47

Careful, having brain damage doesn't mean stupid. I have some brain damage but I have a University Computer Science Degree and a good full time job. Remember, Its usually the physical that fades first and is often the same for those with brain damage. It's not hereditary either so I don't see what your problem is.

========== In Reply To ========== If a mother has a son who is metally retarded should a mother be able to have her son castrated before he reaches puberty? Also if a son is shown to be brain damaged at birth should a mother be able to request that her son be castrated before taking her son home from the hospital? I think so.

Posted by steelesabers1 on 2003-03-17 15:24:15

you are sick. why would anyone do that to a mentally retarded person. I believe in castration but why that type of group. that is like saying that the mother finds out that the baby is mentally retarded in the womb so she has an abortion. I hate abortions they are a sin. THat is murder. ========== In Reply To ========== If a mother has a son who is metally retarded should a mother be able to have her son castrated before he reaches puberty? Also if a son is shown to be brain damaged at birth should a mother be able to request that her son be castrated before taking her son home from the hospital? I think so.

Posted by lauren1976 on 2014-01-03 12:35:45

I think you should be able to decide of you want your son castrated.im currently looking because I want my son castrated