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Nudism and nudist activities

children nude

Posted by Night Vision on 2021-05-10 17:07:59

Motherof2, do you find your kids much more relaxed now in most things and showing confidence in others?

Posted by Motherof2 on 2021-05-11 19:19:26

Absolutely. They're much more outgoing and confident now than they were - at a time when many kids are withdrawing do to the lockdowns.

Posted by Sandrabmum on 2021-05-12 05:50:03

Nudism does bring out a whole new level of confidence in you especially when you are able to share nudist activities with others. Now lockdown restrictions are easing I can finally go back to my nudist club to relax and enjoy nudism with others

Posted by Night Vision on 2021-05-12 19:11:07

I'm wondering how many families I will have left in my camping club. Travel may be better, but I wonder about getting the acceptance back.

Posted by Motherof2 on 2021-05-12 19:43:24

I think you'll be surprised. I think many more families are comfortable with nudity after being locked together for a year.