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Nudism and nudist activities

children nude

Posted by Fortniter on 2021-11-27 14:54:27

Yes, I think it's harder since he is always naked. Being spanked and getting erections are embarrassing enough, but since he is not allowed to wear clothes it must be humiliating since everyone can see after!

I don't know if he is allowed to $%!@e. I know my mom says it's a sin (that doesn't stop me). I assume his mom is the same. Definitely he would be in huge trouble if his mother found out, so it wasn't an option at the party (everyone would know if he was in the toilet for too long and came out soft!), or when I am at his house (I think he would be embarrassed if I could tell that's what he was doing).

With his cousins, his I don't think his mom believed him when he said they were grabbing him like that! Either that or she didn't care, I have no idea. They only did it when she wasn't looking, but I'm sure some of the adults must have noticed and didn't say anything. It was pretty funny in hindsight, but maybe not for him!

Yes, of course he got his birthday spankings at the party, it was his birthday party! His mom even remarked he was already wearing his birthday suit for his birthday spanking and birthday party. And yes, all of the guests got a chance to spank him, even me. It was really funny having him naked over my knee, even if I only got to give him 2 spanks. And of course he was still erect the whole time. I don't think he cummed at all, but maybe a little bit came out on some of the guests legs during the spanking. I think that's what made it worse for him, not being able to relieve himself all day!

That's interesting about your own punishment, it sounds really harsh, but I suppose it made sure you stayed out of trouble afterwards! And you had to stay naked doing chores at your neighbours, and you were erect sometimes too? That sounds so embarrassing! I'm sure it was very funny for your neighbours though, seeing you red in the face like that (and maybe red in the bum too) as you worked. I'm sure you hated that your brother got to wear clothes and you didn't!

Posted by PaulTrevor on 2021-11-29 16:12:56

hi fortniter,

I was busy too, so sorry for my 'late' reply.

Do you get punished when they caught you $%!@ing? Have you talked so far with him about $%!@ing? I get your point that wasn't it an option at the party, people sure might have noticed his state and longer toilet time lol.

So I agree that it was the worst for him getting grabbed, kept erect the whole time, getting spanked and still stayed erect and not getting the chance to relieve himself. What makes you think that he cummed a bit during his spankings? Was it obvious at his reaction? Or did the guests said something when looking on their clothes or his $%!@ having strings of semen on it? You are naked often too, but I assume you weren't at his party. I thinkt the feeling for you must have been awesome to have him naked over you knee and spank him.

His mother is sure really mean by teasing him like that and sure ignoring his cousins actions. Still it must be fun and party for all of those around.

I'm sure he relieved himself when the party was over and he had time for it.

Well no sure I got in trouble after this summer too ;) Yes, at neighbours I was stark naked too and often had an erection during the chorse. So their kids (my friends or even bullies) kept touching me or made soem comments too. Sure mostly when I got spanked what was kind of public. So others were around while I got my butt spanked once a week and sure I had to work after those spankings again.

I totally hate that my brother was allowed to wear clothes. He had fun about my state and kept an eye on me that I won't $%!@e - so that I stayed erect more often. Same about my friends or bullies. Even when we were spanked together, they just removed their pants while I got it naked. After our spanking they could dress again - I had to stay naked.

Posted by Fortniter on 2021-12-07 00:49:39

Hi PaulTrevor.

I've never been caught $%!@ing! But I guess I would get in trouble, yes. So better to not let my parents know haha. And no, I've never spoken to my neighbour about it, we're not super super close, we just hang out a bit because he lives nearby.

I don't really know for sure if he cummed when he was being spanked, but I thought I smelled a little $%!@ when I was spanking him (although I didn't feel anything, even though his $%!@ was right up against me), and I swear the top of his $%!@ looked a little shiny after we were all done, like mine does when I'm playing with it.

Yes, I am naked often, most of the time at home, but usually by choice, so thank god I wasn't naked at his party. I think I would have died. I don't mind people seeing me naked, but it would be so embarrassing if no one else was naked except me and him! And yes it was awesome getting to spank him naked, really fun and funny!

That's so crazy you had to stay naked and erect for punishment for so long. My parents punish me, but only in private! It must be super humiliating. And that you were spanked so much in public, and had to work for your neighbours butt naked, while your brother got to wear clothes? That sounds so rough! I guess after a while everyone got used to seeing all of your body like that, but it was probably still embarrassing when everyone else got to wear clothes and you couldn't!

Posted by PaulTrevor on 2021-12-07 16:14:40

Ah I thought you were closer since both of you are often naked. One by choice the other not.

I know what you mean with that smell in the air and him being still erect the whole time and even his 'shiny' $%!@ head is enough evidence that he was highly aroused. by the grabs of his cousins, being naked in front of all these people, getting spanked - all this can bring you really close to shoot and I sure bet he jerked off when he had the chance to and maybe even he cummed while you haven't notice it? I mean if not, the shiny top of his $%!@ were sure noticed by all of the guests. Still if it was me on that situation compared to back then, I think I've might lost it after all this attention to my $%!@, grabbing and spanking, I sure would have cummed right there during the party..

Yeah it was totally crazy. That I was erect was sure a side effect and was added to my humilitation, like your neighbor I had this 'shiny' $%!@ often! So it was humiliating, being naked, being erect, getting spanked, having orgasms, having to work naked and erect at home and neighbours.. yea my friends and brother were allowed to wear clothes. Was sure distressing and annoying my younger brother being allowed to wear something while I couldn't not even shoes or underwear. Yeah after a while others got used to me being naked, still there was teasing, touching, etc.

Posted by .Suburban. on 2022-10-25 18:39:01

I have been open naked in public before