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mixed martial arts

poll ---- why girls win?

Posted by Amit Dua on 2004-02-24 15:47:38

Hi all, there are so many polls in misterpoll about strength of girls and boys and most of the results go in favour of girls. My concentration in on the reason. Whether girls are really strong or the results are false. I created a new poll about this. It will be my pleasure if you take part in this poll. The link is:



Posted by pollster50 on 2004-02-28 00:08:30

========== In Reply To ========== Hi all, there are so many polls in misterpoll about strength of girls and boys and most of the results go in favour of girls. My concentration in on the reason. Whether girls are really strong or the results are false. I created a new poll about this. It will be my pleasure if you take part in this poll. The link is:

http://www.misterpoll.com/2273700742.html I think the Results are definetly FALSE
