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Should Illegal Immigrants be allowed social services?

Illegal Immigrants, I do NOT think so!

Posted by Math on 2006-06-08 01:06:15

NO, I do NOT believe that Illegal immigrants should receive the same benefits as Legal Immigrants. They should have to be legal, before receiving the same benefits.

God Bless!
Posted by proud lefty on 2006-07-08 20:42:06

I suppose that mean no-one in America should have access to social services, seeing as everyone in America is originally an illegal mmigrant, the land having been stolen from the Indians.

As the old saying goes, illegal immigration has always been a problem in the United States, just ask any Indian.

Posted by James Foley on 2006-07-12 07:20:08

And as I stated long ago, I, living on a reservation as I do, HAVE asked indians, and for the most part their reactions seem to mirror our own... they wish they would have kicked us out at John Smith.... I say we start at JUAN Smith... ;)

Posted by proud lefty on 2006-07-15 10:13:22

Hmmm...I was hoping that I might convey to you the sense that this land is no-ones, that about 99% of America is illegal. But never mind.

Posted by jellopeacemaker14 on 2006-10-17 22:27:25

In this country the illegals take many jobs from citizens.Yes we need some to stay which is why we can have "legal immigrants" stay i think we should remove all illegals & build a guarded wall on the border.I've seena fence across teh border they go through it, so why would putting up a 700m fence help? what about the rest of the border?it would not be an offense toward mexico just protection for our economy & from their illegal drugs.