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hey here is a "misellanious"(SP!)poll for ya'll.. so have fun and take the damn poll...lol!
If you had a choice between two guys that you really liked...what would you do? Would you............
Pick one and get it over with.
Say yes to both of 'em and cheat on 'em and don't tell either of 'em.
Go out with neither, save one of 'em for later.
Go out with both of 'em and tell 'em and have them be kewl with it, then have a threesome.
If your boyfriend wanted to see you sleep with another girl to be turned on, what would you do?
Say sure hunny, anything for you!
Say screw you, go find another guinea pig to play with.
Say maybe further on in our relationship.
Say sure everyone needs to experiment sometime.
If your boyfriend wanted to sleep with you and he was trying to "force" you in a way, what would you do?
Dump him and get over it.
Give in and say sure hunny, anything for you.
Say screw you, find another guinea pig to play with.
Say yes because you wouldn't want him to stalk and rape you for saying no.
Say no and if you can't deal with it oh well!
If one of yor best friends took drugs, what would you do?
Not be his/her friend anymore.
Just let 'em do what they want, your not the one to make decisions for them.
Hate forever.
Forget about it.
If you were haveing problems at home such as, your parents abusing you, sexually, physically, emotionally, and/or verbally, what would you do?
Tell someone and get help.
Don't say anything because you would be afraid that your parents would do something horribly bad and
When they aren't home, have someone pick you up and that way you could live with them for a while.
Call the police and leave your house.
This poll was created on 2003-02-23 18:16:17 by icytrik