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Strip Poker - Ever Play?

What's your experience with the classic game of strip poker?
Have you ever played strip poker?
No, but I wish I had
Your gender?
At what ages did you play?
6-10 years old
11-13 years old
14-17 years old
18-22 years old
23-30 years old
31-50 years old
50+ years old
What kind of group of people did you play with?
All male.
All female.
Both male and female.
All about the same age.
Mixed ages.
What kind of rules did you have?
Everybody starts with the same amount of clothing.
You have to take an item off first in order to bet it.
You can't put something back on after you take it off.
You play for forfeits after you have no more clothes to bet.
The game keeps going until everybody is undressed.
Welshing - did anybody 'chicken out' and refuse to get naked when they lost?
Yes, and it was me.
What's your reaction to the game?
Good fun, good memories
I'd like to play again
I'm uneasy about this
Wish I hadn't played, not a good experience
This poll was created on 2003-03-08 21:27:47 by Soriano