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Kids and Modesty

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A poll to find out kids' attitudes toward physical modesty

I feel comfortable walking around naked at home in front of my family

13% (125) Yes, I am a girl 12 or under
14% (140) Yes, I am a boy 12 or under
13% (127) Yes, I am a teenage girl
31% (296) Yes, I am a teenage boy
1% (13) No, I am a girl 12 or under
3% (38) No, I am a boy 12 or under
4% (47) No, I am a teenage girl
17% (166) No, I am a teenage boy

952 voters have answered this question.

It is OK if people of the opposite sex see me naked

33% (327) Yes, if they are family members
24% (233) Yes, if they are family members my age or younger
40% (394) Yes, family and friends
42% (409) Yes, even strangers
20% (200) No

965 voters have answered this question.

I don't even like to go barefoot in front of people

16% (50) Yes, I am a girl 12 or under
17% (53) Yes, I am a boy 12 or under
17% (54) Yes, I am a teenage girl
48% (145) Yes, I am a teenage boy

302 voters have answered this question.

I hate taking groups showers

3% (33) Yes, I'm a girl 12 or under
4% (44) Yes, I'm a boy 12 or under
5% (48) Yes, I'm a teenage girl
11% (105) Yes, I'm a teenage boy
10% (98) No, I'm a girl 12 or under
13% (119) No, I'm a boy 12 or under
13% (119) No, I'm a teenage girl
36% (332) No, I'm a teenage boy

898 voters have answered this question.

Boys: I feel embarrassment over my erection even when I'm wearing pants

32% (237) Yes
67% (491) No

728 voters have answered this question.

Girls: I feel self-conscious of my breasts

29% (114) Yes
70% (272) No

386 voters have answered this question.

I feel embarrassed if someone comes to the door and sees me in my underwear

2% (25) Yes, I am a girl 12 or under
3% (31) Yes, I am a boy 12 or under
6% (56) Yes I am a teenage girl
9% (87) Yes I am a teenage boy
11% (104) No, I am a girl 12 or under
14% (132) No, I am a boy 12 or under
12% (116) No, I am a teenage girl
40% (373) No, I am a teenage boy

924 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about people seeing you on a toilet

5% (47) I don't mind if it is same gender family members
11% (109) I don't mind if it is any family members
14% (137) I don't mind if it is family or friends
6% (65) I don't mind if it is friends or family my own age and same gender
9% (91) I don't mind if it is friends or family my own age either gender
22% (209) I don't mind if it is someone I don't know well
29% (273) I never want people to see me on the toilet

931 voters have answered this question.

It is OK if someone sees me on the toilet

7% (57) No, I'm a girl under 12
15% (110) No, I'm a boy under 12
24% (178) Yes, I'm a teenage girl
51% (368) Yes, I'm a teenage boy

713 voters have answered this question.

It bothers me going to the bathroom outside

6% (60) Yes, I would rather do it in my pants
30% (269) No, I'm a boy, only peeing not pooping
19% (175) No, if noone else was around to see me
42% (380) No, doesn't matter who may see me, peeing or pooping

884 voters have answered this question.

I have snuck out of the house naked

52% (478) Yes
9% (91) Yes, only once, on a dare
15% (142) Yes, but only at night
22% (208) Never

919 voters have answered this question.

I have been to a nude beach or other area of public nudity

43% (396) Yes, and I enjoyed it
4% (41) Yes, and I was embarrassed
9% (91) Yes, I was embarrassed at first, got used to it
12% (114) No, never want to go to one
29% (270) No, but I would like to go to one

912 voters have answered this question.

If you've been to a nude beach would you like to go again

13% (89) Yes I'm a girl 12 or under
2% (16) No I'm a girl 12 or under
15% (105) Yes I'm a boy 12 or under
3% (24) No I'm a boy 12 or under
16% (107) Yes, I'm a teenage girl
3% (20) No, I'm a teenage girl
37% (249) Yes, I'm a teenage boy
7% (53) No, I'm a teenage boy

663 voters have answered this question.

I walk around my house naked, don't care who sees me even strangers

10% (97) Yes, I'm a girl under 12
12% (113) Yes, I'm a boy under 12
11% (104) Yes I'm a teenage girl
31% (278) Yes, I'm a teenage boy
2% (26) No, I'm a girl under 12
4% (44) No, I'm a boy under 12
6% (58) No, I'm a teenage girl
19% (173) No, I'm a teenage boy

893 voters have answered this question.

If you feel embarrassed about going naked in front of others, why

11% (48) It's wrong/sinful
44% (189) I'm not used to it
44% (190) I'm afraid people will stare at me or make fun of me

427 voters have answered this question.

If you feel embarrassed over nudity do you wish you weren't embarrassed

70% (337) Yes
29% (141) No

478 voters have answered this question.

Boys: Do you feel more embarrassed when you have to take a public shower and you have an erection

30% (210) More embarrassed, bad enough to take them at all
14% (98) No, It's equally embarrassing with or without an erection
54% (371) Not embarrassed, I'm rather proud of it

679 voters have answered this question.

if you are comfortable with going naked, why

33% (230) I've been going naked my whole life. It's natural
39% (271) I feel more free when I'm naked
27% (190) I feel more comfortable; never liked wearing clothes

691 voters have answered this question.

Are you comfortable with seeing your parents naked

56% (500) Yes
43% (382) No

882 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever play games like strip poker or doctor that involved nudity

66% (606) Yes
19% (175) No, not yet
13% (125) Never

906 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping with your friends

69% (639) Yes
17% (157) No, but I want to
13% (121) Never

917 voters have answered this question.

Has parents, siblings or friends ever said you are too modest about your body

19% (171) Yes
80% (708) No

879 voters have answered this question.

Were you ever photographed or videotaped naked

13% (122) Yes, but only when I was a baby
11% (109) Yes, but not for a few years
50% (463) Yes, just recently
23% (219) Never

913 voters have answered this question.

If you were photographed or videotaped naked recently, how do you feel about it

12% (84) They had no right doing it, I hated it
87% (585) I don't mind it at all

669 voters have answered this question.

At what age should a kid know enough not to go around naked in public

10% (95) By age 4
10% (92) By age 6
5% (53) By age 8
5% (53) By age 10
4% (42) By age 12
8% (75) By age 14
54% (497) You are never too old to go naked anywhere

907 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-09-17 00:09:11 by wayfarer
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