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Would you eat human feces for one million dollars?

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OK. Well, it's simple enough. Would you down an average size human dump for $1,000,000? This 'excrement' has been tested for STD's and AIDS. So that is not a problem. However, it must be eaten, as is. No flavoring added etc. Now be honest folks! Would you eat s#^t?

Would you eat human crap for $1,000,000

28% (11) Yes!
30% (12) Not a chance!
5% (2) Yes. If it wasn't advertised in public.
23% (9) Only if it was my own.
12% (5) Yes. If I get to choose whose load!

39 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-12-29 11:07:53 by Neohawk
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