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Endangered animals

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this poll is of course about endangered animals. If you could please just take a moment of you time to fill this out. THANK YOU

do you believe that endangered animals and extinction is an imoportant topic right now?

82% (14) yes
17% (3) no

17 voters have answered this question.

on a scale of 1 through 5 how would you rate the severity of this topic?

17% (3) 1
11% (2) 2
11% (2) 3
23% (4) 4
35% (6) 5

17 voters have answered this question.

do you think that the government pays enough attention to this topic?

17% (3) yes
82% (14) no

17 voters have answered this question.

do you think that it is "our"(humans in general), fault that animals and becoming extinct or endangered each day?

88% (15) yes
11% (2) no

17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-04-28 21:41:33 by endangered animals?
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