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Baby Names

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What Baby names do you like best?

Jessica or Jasmine?

65% (21) Jessica
34% (11) Jasmine

32 voters have answered this question.

Scott or Matt?

48% (15) Scott
51% (16) Matt

31 voters have answered this question.

Emma or Elana?

78% (25) Emma
21% (7) Elana

32 voters have answered this question.

Jamal or Antwan?

77% (24) Jamal
22% (7) Antwan

31 voters have answered this question.

Katie or Kristina?

58% (18) Katie
41% (13) Kristina

31 voters have answered this question.

Elizabeth or Annabelle?

40% (13) Elizabeth
59% (19) Annabelle

32 voters have answered this question.

William or Charles?

62% (20) William
37% (12) Charles

32 voters have answered this question.

Joshua or Jacob?

43% (14) Joshua
56% (18) Jacob

32 voters have answered this question.

What nickname are the best out of these?

22% (7) JR
16% (5) Sport
48% (15) AJ
9% (3) Champ
19% (6) Bud
25% (8) Missy

31 voters have answered this question.

Julie or Abby?

37% (12) Julie
62% (20) Abby

32 voters have answered this question.

Brian or Nick?

32% (10) Brian
67% (21) Nick

31 voters have answered this question.

Elliot or Edward?

43% (14) Elliot
56% (18) Edward

32 voters have answered this question.

what last name do you think you would like to have?

25% (8) Jackson
9% (3) Johnson
12% (4) Williams
22% (7) Robinson
29% (9) Anderson

31 voters have answered this question.

now out of these baby names what would you prefer?

21% (7) Ariel
34% (11) Ashley
6% (2) Asia
12% (4) Brenda
25% (8) Brianna
15% (5) Brittany
34% (11) Nicole
6% (2) Trish
15% (5) Kristin
34% (11) Rose
12% (4) Avril
12% (4) Maria
15% (5) Marie
28% (9) Rachel
12% (4) Jennifer
25% (8) Stephanie
15% (5) Tiffany
25% (8) Kevin
15% (5) Robert
15% (5) John
25% (8) Matt
25% (8) Scott
12% (4) Dan
31% (10) Jacob
18% (6) Damon
15% (5) David
6% (2) Jamal
0% (0) Juwan

32 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-09-12 04:58:04 by Chalupa
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