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iran going nuclear

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just a quick poll to see what people think about the iranian nuclear programme and other general opinions

what do you think about iran getting a supply of enriched uranium?

30% (3) they just want to make weapons to attack other countries.
30% (3) they just want to make weapons to defend themselves.
10% (1) they just want to make nuclear power stations.
10% (1) they don't know what they're doing.
20% (2) i'm not sure

10 voters have answered this question.

which countries do you think should be allowed to have nuclear weapons?

40% (4) U.S.A
20% (2) U.K
20% (2) China
10% (1) France
20% (2) Russia
0% (0) Canada
0% (0) Any country
60% (6) No country
0% (0) Any western country
20% (2) Any reliable country

10 voters have answered this question.

what do you think about nuclear power?

33% (3) its a dangerous but worthwhile supply of power
44% (4) its a dangerous supply of power, get rid of it!
22% (2) it needs to be expanded and advanced to make it safer
0% (0) its fine the way it is.

9 voters have answered this question.

which countries (do you think) should be allowed to have nuclear power?

0% (0) U.S
0% (0) U.K
0% (0) France
0% (0) China
0% (0) Russia
12% (1) Japan
0% (0) Germany
12% (1) everywhere that has it, but nowhere else.
12% (1) everywhere that has it, and maybe a few more.
62% (5) nowhere.(too dangerous)

8 voters have answered this question.

if you live in a country with nuclear power/weapons, do you approve of their presence?

12% (1) yes
62% (5) no
25% (2) kind of

8 voters have answered this question.

if you live in a country without nuclear power, do you want it?

16% (1) yes
83% (5) no

6 voters have answered this question.

if you live in a country without nuclear weapons, do you want them?

33% (2) yes
66% (4) no

6 voters have answered this question.

do you like the idea of other countries having nuclear weapons?

0% (0) yes, i trust them
66% (6) no, i don't trust them
33% (3) they're a crazy thing to have invented, humans are freaks . . .

9 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-05-19 18:49:03 by marbles-benedict
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