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Worst prank Pulled On U

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What is the worst pranks some1 has pulled on u, or u on them?

What is the worst prank some1 pulled on u?

9% (29) Stripped Naked
6% (19) Stripped and tied up
6% (21) Stripped and thrown outside
20% (64) Stripped and tied outside
1% (6) Hand in water
3% (10) Shaved
25% (80) Put in diaper
1% (6) Trapped in sleeping Bag
1% (4) Iching powder
2% (9) Laxitives
8% (28) Put in other genders clothes
2% (9) Pictures tken of u being pranked
1% (5) put into some1 elses sleeping bag (with them still in it)
7% (25) Other

315 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-12-31 17:32:39 by crazy8s
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