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More Religious Beliefs

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Questions about religious beliefs.

What religion are you?

7% (5) Roman Catholic
0% (0) Byzantine Catholic
2% (2) Orthodox Christian
22% (15) Protestant Christian
17% (12) Other Christian
4% (3) Jewish
8% (6) Muslim
0% (0) Hindu
4% (3) Buddhist
5% (4) Pagan
4% (3) Other
22% (15) None

68 voters have answered this question.

Can the existence of God be proven?

29% (20) Yes
51% (35) No
19% (13) I don't know

68 voters have answered this question.

Is there at least some truth in all religions?

47% (32) Yes
32% (22) No
19% (13) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Can a person legitimately belong to more than one religion at a time?

26% (18) Yes
49% (33) No
23% (16) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Can it be proved that there is life after death?

14% (10) Yes
63% (43) No
22% (15) I don't know

68 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that a devil exists (or some evil spirit)?

49% (33) Yes
34% (23) No
16% (11) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Can a religious person be a ninja?

46% (31) Yes
13% (9) No
39% (26) I don't know

66 voters have answered this question.

If there is a God, could such a God command someone to kill another human being?

52% (35) Yes
25% (17) No
22% (15) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Was it morally acceptable that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?

43% (29) Yes
38% (26) No
17% (12) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Do Angels exist?

52% (36) Yes
22% (15) No
25% (17) I don't know

68 voters have answered this question.

Would you ever consider changing your religion?

24% (16) Yes
66% (44) No
9% (6) I don't know

66 voters have answered this question.

If they discovered the bones of Jesus of Nazareth, would this be enough to convince you that Christianity was not true?

19% (13) Yes
53% (35) No
27% (18) I don't know

66 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following is the most likely cause of most wars?

26% (18) Religion
53% (36) Greed, lust for land and resources
13% (9) Ethnic/Racial hatred
5% (4) Other

67 voters have answered this question.

Was the Spanish Inquisition wrong?

64% (43) Yes
11% (8) No
23% (16) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Should there be a comparative religions class taught in high school?

57% (38) Yes
33% (22) No
9% (6) I don't know

66 voters have answered this question.

Should the United States Government be neutral toward all religions or give preference to Christianity?

71% (48) Neutral
19% (13) Give preference to Christianity
4% (3) Give preference to another religion
4% (3) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Which religion today is the most violent?

10% (7) Christianity
70% (48) Islam
4% (3) Judaism
0% (0) Buddhism
1% (1) Hinduism
5% (4) All equally violent
4% (3) None of the above
2% (2) I don't know

68 voters have answered this question.

Throughout history, which religion has been the most violent?

39% (27) Christianity
32% (22) Islam
11% (8) Judaism
0% (0) Buddhism
0% (0) Hinduism
7% (5) All equally violent
2% (2) None of the above
5% (4) I don't know

68 voters have answered this question.

Is there any moral difference between the holy wars that Jews conducted in the Old Testament and those conducted by some Muslims today?

36% (25) Yes
42% (29) No
20% (14) I don't know

68 voters have answered this question.

Are monotheistic religions typically more violent than polytheistic religions?

40% (26) Yes
27% (18) No
32% (21) I don't know

65 voters have answered this question.

Which aspect of a religion is the most important?

13% (9) Teachings about the nature of God
21% (14) Teachings about morality
7% (5) Teachings about Salvation
4% (3) Rituals, Liturgy, and Prayers
29% (19) All are equally important
23% (15) I don't know

65 voters have answered this question.

Should parents be allowed to bring up children according to their religious beliefs or should the government prevent parents from teaching any religion until the child is 18 and old enough to choose?

78% (52) Parents should be able to teach children
13% (9) Government should intervene
7% (5) I don't know

66 voters have answered this question.

Is atheism a religion?

28% (19) Yes
62% (42) No
8% (6) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe in reincarnation?

18% (12) Yes
69% (45) No
12% (8) I don't know

65 voters have answered this question.

Twinkies or Suzy Q's?

72% (35) Twinkies
27% (13) Suzy Q's

48 voters have answered this question.

Are most people too religious, not religious enough, or just about right?

29% (19) Too religious
40% (26) Not religious enough
7% (5) Just about right
23% (15) I don't know

65 voters have answered this question.

By the year 2100, which religion do you think will have the most members?

35% (23) Christianity
0% (0) Judaism
24% (16) Islam
1% (1) Buddhism
0% (0) Hinduism
4% (3) Other
6% (4) None of the Above
27% (18) I don't know

65 voters have answered this question.

Which religion is most likely to survive in the distant future?

39% (26) Christianity
1% (1) Judaism
13% (9) Islam
13% (9) Some form of Paganism/New Age
6% (4) Buddhism
0% (0) Hinduism
4% (3) Other
15% (10) I don't know
6% (4) All are just as likely to survive

66 voters have answered this question.

Which form of Christianity do you think will grow the most in the next 500 years?

14% (9) Roman Catholic
6% (4) Orthodox
13% (8) Mainline Protestant
8% (5) Anglican
1% (1) Southern Baptist
9% (6) Pentecostal
45% (28) I don't know

61 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-07-02 23:54:34 by D V
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