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Religion in US Public Schools - Christians Only Please

There is always a huge controvercy between people. There are Christians on both sides. So, what is your take? All questions begin "if you answered yes/no" after the first. This refers to the very first question ONLY.
1. When mandatory prayer was declared unconstitutional by Engle vs. Vitale, do you believe that this lead to a moral decay in American society?
No, proceed to question 2
Yes, proceed to question 11
2. If you answered no, what is the main reason? Choose from any applicable option.
Bad Parenting
Poor Role-Models in the media
Sensationalized Media
No decay, just a new generation growing up
Lack of morals taught in public schools
No more obligatory religion in public schools
3. If you answered no, where should children receive a religious education? Choose any appplicable answer.
Local parish/church
Catechism Classes/Sunday School
Public Schools
4. If you answered no, what religious expressions do you think should be allowed in public schools, if not made obligatory? Choose all applicable choices.
Bring Bibles to school
Quiet grace before eating alone or in a willing group
Creating a Bible/Christian Club
Wearing religious Clothing/Jewelry
Silent prayer alone or in a willing group
Polite evangelization, provided that both parties don't object
Polite discussion of religion in a history, etc. unit on religion
Mandatory prayer in the class/over the PA
Mandatory prayer before clubs/sports games/concerts
Aggressive evangelization of non-Christians
Disruptive prayer/grace that is loud and intrusive
5. If you answered no, do you think that public schools, in particular history classes, should discuss at least the basics of various religions in at least what they teach, believe, and how they practice, in a non-partisan way?
6. If you answered no, what are your feelings about a voluntary World's Religion course in a public school, that forcuses more deeply than a normal history class on more religions, but again in a non-partisan way?
I think it is a great idea
I think it is a good idea
I think it is an okay idea
I'm neutral
I think it is a bad idea
I think it is a poor idea
I think it is a terrible idea
7. If you answered no, would you have taken that World's Religion course?
I answered positively to the previous question, and I would attend
I answered neutrally to the previous question, and I would attend
I answered negatively to the previous question, but I'd still attend
I answered positively to the previous question, but I would not attend
I answered neutrally to the previous question, and I would not attend
I answered negatively to the previous question, and I would not attend
8. If you answered no, what ways of religious expression would you not want to occur in a public school? Choose any applicable answer.
Mandatory prayer in the class/over the PA
Mandatory prayer before clubs/sports games/concerts
Aggressive evangelization of non-Christians
Disruptive prayer/grace that is loud and intrusive
Bring Bibles to school
Quiet grace before eating alone or in a willing group
Creating a Bible/Christian Club
Wearing religious Clothing/Jewelry
Silent prayer alone or in a willing group
Polite evangelization, provided that both parties don't object
Polite discussion of religion in a history, etc. unit on religion
9. If you answered no, think this situation over: you are a non-Christian and deeply committed to what you believe. A Christian comes up and aggressively tries to convert you without your permission and does it so people can listen. Everyone watches as they learn that you aren't a Christian when most are. The Christian ends by saying "you must accept Jesus or else you are going to hell," and everyone else hears it. How do you feel, being that non-Christian who deeply believes in something else?
I feel abused
I feel insulted
I feel embarassed
I feel angry
I'm probably crying
Other painful/dejected feeling(s)
I feel indifferent
I feel pity for that person
I feel like I really don't care
10. If you answered no, what particular Christian background are you from? Go to question 20 immediately after answering this please
Anglican/Episcopalian (Anglican Communion)
ECLA Lutheran
LCMS Lutheran
Other Lutheran
Old Catholic
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
United Methodist
Other Methodist
Roman (or Eastern Rite) Catholic
PCUSA Presbyterian
Other Presbyterian
ABC Baptist
Southern Convention Baptist
Other Baptist
Eastern Orthodox
Continuing Churcher (Non-Anglican Communion)
Church of the Nazarene
Vineyard Movement
Charismatic Renewal (Calvary Chapel, etc)
Oriental Orthodox
Home Church
Other Reformed/Calvinist denomination/background
Other Non-Reformed Protestant denomination/background
Other Catholic denomination/background
11. If you answered yes, what is the main reason? Choose from any applicable option.
Bad Parenting
Poor Role-Models in the media
Sensationalized Media
No decay, just a new generation growing up
Lack of morals taught in public schools
No more obligatory religion in public schools
12. If you answered yes, where should children receive a religious education? Choose any appplicable answer.
Local parish/church
Catechism Classes/Sunday School
Public Schools
13. If you answered yes, what religious expressions do you think should be allowed in public schools, if not made obligatory? Choose all applicable choices.
Bring Bibles to school
Quiet grace before eating alone or in a willing group
Creating a Bible/Christian Club
Wearing religious Clothing/Jewelry
Silent prayer alone or in a willing group
Polite evangelization, provided that both parties don't object
Polite discussion of religion in a history, etc. unit on religion
Mandatory prayer in the class/over the PA
Mandatory prayer before clubs/sports games/concerts
Aggressive evangelization of non-Christians
Disruptive prayer/grace that is loud and intrusive
14. If you answered yes, do you think that public schools, in particular history classes, should discuss at least the basics of various religions in at least what they teach, believe, and how they practice, in a non-partisan way?
15. If you answered yes, what are your feelings about a voluntary World's Religion course in a public school, that forcuses more deeply than a normal history class on more religions, but again in a non-partisan way?
I think it is a great idea
I think it is a good idea
I think it is an okay idea
I'm neutral
I think it is a bad idea
I think it is a poor idea
I think it is a terrible idea
16. If you answered yes, would you have taken that World's Religion course?
I answered positively to the previous question, and I would attend
I answered neutrally to the previous question, and I would attend
I answered negatively to the previous question, but I'd still attend
I answered positively to the previous question, but I would not attend
I answered neutrally to the previous question, and I would not attend
I answered negatively to the previous question, and I would not attend
17. If you answered yes, what ways of religious expression would you not want to occur in a public school? Choose any applicable answer.
Mandatory prayer in the class/over the PA
Mandatory prayer before clubs/sports games/concerts
Aggressive evangelization of non-Christians
Disruptive prayer/grace that is loud and intrusive
Bring Bibles to school
Quiet grace before eating alone or in a willing group
Creating a Bible/Christian Club
Wearing religious Clothing/Jewelry
Silent prayer alone or in a willing group
Polite evangelization, provided that both parties don't object
Polite discussion of religion in a history, etc. unit on religion
18. If you answered yes, think this situation over: you are a non-Christian and deeply committed to what you believe. A Christian comes up and aggressively tries to convert you without your permission and does it so people can listen. Everyone watches as they learn that you aren't a Christian when most are. The Christian ends by saying "you must accept Jesus or else you are going to hell," and everyone else hears it. How do you feel, being that non-Christian who deeply believes in something else?
I feel abused
I feel insulted
I feel embarassed
I feel angry
I'm probably crying
Other painful/dejected feeling(s
I feel indifferent
I feel pity for that person
I feel like I really don't care
19. If you answered yes, what particular Christian background are you from? Once finished with this question, proceed to question 25 please.
Anglican/Episcopalian (Anglican Communion)
ECLA Lutheran
LCMS Lutheran
Other Lutheran
Old Catholic
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
United Methodist
Other Methodist
Roman (Or Eastern Rite) Catholic
PCUSA Presbyterian
Other Presbyterian
ABC Baptist
Southern Convention Baptist
Other Baptist
Eastern Orthodox
Continuing Churcher (Non-Anglican Communion)
Church of the Nazarene
Vineyard Movement
Charismatic Renewal (Calvary Chapel, etc)
Oriental Orthodox
Home Church
Other Reformed/Calvinist denomination/background
Other Non-Reformed Protestant denomination/background
Other Catholic denomination/background
20. If you answered no, consider this situation. You are a Christian and you wish to start a Bible club. You and your friends write up a constitution and a charter, select officers, get a sponser, and even have an unofficial champlain to comply with school rules. Your application is turned down because it is a religious club. There are plenty of secular clubs, so you know your club was legal. How do you feel? Pick all that apply
I feel frustrated
I feel angry
I feel persecuted
I feel very upset
I'm probably crying
I feel other sad emotions
I feel indifferent
I feel that I don't care really
21. If you answered no, regarding that last question, a represenative from the ACLU offers to help you and promises to sue if your constitutional club is not allowed. What do you do?
Just let it go
22. If you answered no, pretend you are a student and you witness someone aggressively evangelizing another student over religion. Would you report this?
Yes, even if the evangelist is a Christian
Yes, but if the evangelist is a Christian, I won't
No, and if the evangelist is a Christian, I would back 'em up
23. If you answered no, do you or did you practice your religion in a public school that is constitutional?
24. If you answered no, do you or did you practice your religion in a public school that was not constitutional? If you did this also as well as practice your religion constitutionally, please answer yes here too. Once finished with this question, proceed to question 31 please
25. If you answered yes, consider this situation. You are a Christian and you wish to start a Bible club. You and your friends write up a constitution and a charter, select officers, get a sponser, and even have an unofficial champlain to comply with school rules. Your application is turned down because it is a religious club. There are plenty of secular clubs, so you know your club was legal. How do you feel? Pick all that apply
I feel frustrated
I feel angry
I feel persecuted
I feel very upset
I'm probably crying
I feel other sad emotions
I feel indifferent
I feel that I don't care really
26. If you answered yes, regarding that last question, a represenative from the ACLU offers to help you and promises to sue if your constitutional club is not allowed. What do you do?
Just let it go
27. If you answered yes, pretend you are a student and you witness someone aggressively evangelizing another student over religion. Would you report this?
Yes, even if the evangelist is a Christian
Yes, but if the evangelist is a Christian, I won't
No, and if the evangelist is a Christian, I would back 'em up
28. If you answered yes, do you or did you practice your religion in a public school that is constitutional?
29. If you answered yes, do you or did you practice your religion in a public school that was not constitutional? If you did this also as well as practice your religion constitutionally, please answer yes here too.
30. If you answered yes, do you or did you practice your religion in a public school that was not constitutional? If you did this also as well as practice your religion constitutionally, please answer yes here too. Once done here, proceed to the very next question, please.
31. Court trials have shown that some public schools go too far. However, court trials have shown that evangelism can and is a problem. Yet most Americans believe that what they believe in is important to them. Most Americans also agree that learning about what religions believe and how they practice those beliefs is important in that knowledge can bettle ourselves by reducing miscommunication and misinformation, thereby helping achieve a more peaceful world. In the end, if you had a choice, could you deel with a public school system that was completely noncompulsary about religion but allowed polite expression of it as defined by the courts as well as allowing optional elective courses like Survey of World's Religions or the like?
Absolutely, and I said yes to the original question
Perhaps, and I said yes to the original question
Never, and I said yes to the original question
Absolutely, and I said no to the original question
Perhaps, and I said no to the original question
Never, and I said no the original question
32. Can you see the other side's point of view? For those who said yes originally, can you see that many people would take advantage of compulsary religion and that many do abuse their privileges anyway? And for those who said no originally, can you see why so many Christians have had to go to court to protect their constitutional rights?
Yes, I see the other side's point
No, I don't see the other side's point
33. Lastly, now that you've answered all the other questions, do you believe that religion should be compulsary in public schools?
No, and I always thought no
No, but I originally thought yes
Yes, but I originally thought no
Yes, and I always thought yes
I cannot decide now, I originally thought yes
I cannot decide now, I originally thought no
This poll was created on 2006-08-30 05:24:23 by Empath