What age group do you fit in?
13% (12) | Under 20 years of age | |
50% (44) | 20-29 years of age | |
5% (5) | 30-39 years of age | |
6% (6) | 40-49 years of age | |
2% (2) | 50-59 years of age | |
19% (17) | 60+ years of age | |
1% (1) | I prefer not to answer |
87 voters have answered this question.
What is your annual household income in US Dollars?
8% (7) | $14,999 or less | |
5% (5) | $15,000-29,999 | |
6% (6) | $30,000-44,999 | |
10% (9) | $45,000-59,999 | |
9% (8) | $60,000-74,999 | |
12% (11) | $75,000-89,999 | |
26% (23) | $90,000 or more | |
20% (18) | I prefer not to answer |
87 voters have answered this question.
How would you classify your race?
0% (0) | Black and/or African-American | |
11% (10) | Asian and/or Pacific Islander | |
54% (47) | White and/or Caucasian | |
0% (0) | American Indian and/or Native American | |
22% (20) | Any other race | |
1% (1) | Two or more races | |
10% (9) | I prefer not to answer or do not feel any other answer is appropriate |
87 voters have answered this question.
What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
0% (0) | Less than High School degree or equivalent | |
11% (10) | High School Degree or equivalent | |
24% (21) | Some undergraduate courses, Associate's Degree, or equivalent | |
27% (24) | Bachelor's Degree or equivalent | |
5% (5) | Some graduate level studies | |
29% (26) | Graduate Degree or higher | |
1% (1) | I prefer not to answer |
87 voters have answered this question.
With 1 being the lowest, and 10 being the highest, how strongly do you feel you need broadband internet access?
1% (1) | No need | |
8% (7) | Mild need | |
6% (6) | Moderate need | |
36% (32) | High need | |
45% (40) | Necessary to your work and/or lifestyle | |
1% (1) | No opinion or unsure of response |
87 voters have answered this question.
Do you currently have access to broadband in your residence?
95% (83) | Yes | |
2% (2) | No | |
2% (2) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
In your neighborhood?
70% (61) | Yes | |
11% (10) | No | |
18% (16) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
In your place of employment?
77% (67) | Yes | |
11% (10) | No | |
11% (10) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
How often do you use broadband internet service?
2% (2) | Never | |
3% (3) | Rarely | |
9% (8) | Sometimes | |
22% (20) | Often | |
60% (53) | All the time | |
1% (1) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
What is- or would be- your primary usage of broadband internet access?
34% (30) | Entertainment | |
20% (18) | Education | |
29% (26) | Professional | |
3% (3) | Shopping | |
10% (9) | Other or none of the above | |
1% (1) | I prefer not to answer |
87 voters have answered this question.
How positively or negatively has broadband access impacted your life?
6% (6) | Strong negative impact | |
4% (4) | Weak negative impact | |
12% (11) | No positive or negative impact | |
6% (6) | Weak positive impact | |
63% (55) | Strong positive impact | |
1% (1) | I do not have broadband internet access | |
4% (4) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
How active of a role do you feel the American government should play in promoting broadband internet access?
6% (6) | No role | |
9% (8) | Limited role | |
21% (19) | Moderate role | |
28% (25) | Strong role | |
19% (17) | Very strong role | |
13% (12) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
How important do you feel expanded broadband access is to America's economic future?
1% (1) | Unimportant | |
6% (6) | Mildly important | |
19% (17) | Important | |
44% (39) | Highly important | |
20% (18) | Of critical importance | |
6% (6) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
How well do you believe Americans' access to broadband internet compares to that of other OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries?
1% (1) | Extremely poorly | |
8% (7) | Poorly | |
21% (19) | About average | |
28% (25) | Well | |
10% (9) | Extremely well | |
29% (26) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
How well do you believe Americans' speed of internet access compares to that of other OECD countries?
1% (1) | Extremely poorly | |
9% (8) | Poorly | |
18% (16) | About average | |
24% (21) | Well | |
21% (19) | Extremely well | |
25% (22) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
On average, how much do you think Americans pay for equivalent levels of broadband quality compared to other OECD countries?
2% (2) | Broadband costs very little in the USA compared to other OECD countries | |
12% (11) | Broadband is relatively inexpensive compared to other OECD countries | |
26% (23) | Cost is about average for broadband in America compared to other OECD countries | |
18% (16) | Broadband is relatively expensive compared to other OECD countries | |
2% (2) | Broadband is extremely expensive compared to other OECD countries | |
37% (33) | Unsure or don't know |
87 voters have answered this question.
On a monthly basis, how much do you pay for broadband access? If you do not wish to answer, or do not currently receive broadband internet access, please specify in your response.
No graph available for this question
87 voters have answered this question.
Do you feel American broadband coverage should be expanded? If so, how much? If not, why not? Would you be in favor of universal ("dead-zone free") broadband coverage in the United States?
No graph available for this question
87 voters have answered this question.
Do you feel global broadband coverage should be expanded? If so, how much? If not, why not?
No graph available for this question
87 voters have answered this question.