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opinion of overalls

What do you think about overalls

Have you ever worn overalls?

94% (82) yes
5% (5) no

87 voters have answered this question.

When was the last time you wore overalls?

40% (35) today
10% (9) yesterday
12% (11) in the last week
9% (8) in the last month
5% (5) in the last year
3% (3) in the last 5 years
5% (5) in the last 10 years
6% (6) in the last 25 years
5% (5) more than 25 years ago

87 voters have answered this question.

How many pairs of overalls/shortalls do you own

15% (14) 0
14% (13) 1
13% (12) 2
8% (8) 3
6% (6) 4
13% (12) 5-6
13% (12) 7-10
3% (3) 11-15
3% (3) 16-25
6% (6) 26-50

89 voters have answered this question.

on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like overalls 1: dispise 2: hate 3: really don't like 4: don't like 5: indifferent 6: like 7: really like 8: extremely like 9: love 10: all hail the mighty overalls

6% (6) 1
0% (0) 2
2% (2) 3
2% (2) 4
6% (6) 5
9% (8) 6
17% (15) 7
13% (12) 8
13% (12) 9
28% (25) 10

88 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wear overalls

8% (8) 90-100 %
8% (8) 70-90 %
16% (15) 50-70 %
4% (4) 30-50 %
3% (3) 20-30 %
13% (12) 15-20 %
4% (4) 10-15 %
8% (8) 5-10 %
2% (2) 3-5 %
5% (5) 1-2 %
8% (8) <1%
13% (12) never

89 voters have answered this question.

do any of your friends/family wear overalls?

48% (43) yes
51% (46) no

89 voters have answered this question.

Which people wear overalls?

3% (2) mother
11% (6) fauther
24% (13) brother
30% (16) sister
24% (13) cousin
5% (3) aunt
9% (5) uncle
13% (7) grandparent
56% (30) friend
39% (21) classmate
22% (12) girl friend/boy friend
1% (1) teacher

53 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-08-09 13:33:27 by luke314
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