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Drug Issue Poll

Do you believe that all Drugs should be legalized?

10% (1) Yes, all Drugs should be legalized.
20% (2) No, no Drugs Should Be legalized.
70% (7) No, only some Drugs Should Be legalized.
0% (0) I really don't care.

10 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that the use, and transportation of illegal drugs is a big issue?

50% (5) Yes, we must do anything to stop this.
10% (1) No, they should stop trying to stop this
10% (1) No, but they should only take care of dangerous drugs.
30% (3) I think its an issue but it should be handled differently.

10 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that the effects of drugs should be reduced in order to legalize them?

10% (1) Strongly Agree
40% (4) Agree
20% (2) Neutral
0% (0) Disagree
30% (3) Strongly disagree

10 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that spending millions of dollars to stop this issue is worth it?

20% (2) Strongly Agree
10% (1) Agree
20% (2) Neutral
40% (4) Disagree
10% (1) Strongly Disagree

10 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that drug users should go to jail?

30% (3) Strongly Agree
20% (2) Agree
30% (3) Neutral
20% (2) Disagree
0% (0) Strongly Disagree

10 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that potentially harmless drugs ( like Marijuana) should be legalized?

10% (1) Strongly Agree
40% (4) Agree
30% (3) Neutral
10% (1) Disagree
10% (1) Strongly Disagree

10 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe the government should continue to spend millions of dollars putting drug users or people who have possession of drugs in jail?

30% (3) Yes, no one who uses drugs deserves to be in liberty.
20% (2) No, its a waste of money and time.
50% (5) Yes, but only for the usage of some drugs.
0% (0) No, they should just make all people found with possession or on the effects of drugs pay a fine.

10 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-10-04 14:16:39 by danielmr96
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