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Dunk Tank./Dunking Booth (Girls Only)

Girls Only Please! Girls Please Describe Your Dunk Tank Experiance. If You Have Never Sat in a Dunk Tank, Answer as you would if you were too or had the opporuntiy.
Your Age?
What were you thinking when you climbed up on the ladder to enter the dunking booth and take your seat?
What did it feel like as you climbed onto the seat and sat over the water for the first time in your dry clothes?
What were you thinking when the first person bought some balls and you were sitting on the seat ove the water in dry clothes and the line starts to form for people trying to dunk you?
What were you thinking or thoughts as the ball hit the target for the first time and the seat fell? What were you thinking right after your first dunking and your clothes are soaked? What were you thinking why you were underwater?
What were you thinking as you reset the seat after your first dunking to climb back onto it? What about as and after you actually climbed back on and out onto the seat again? How did your clothes feel all wet?
What Was The Condition Of The Water? (You can select more than one answer)
Crystal Clear
Nasty Looking Didnt Want To Fall Into It
Would you sit in a dunk tank fully clothed again?
Please descibe exactly the clothes you were wearing in the dunk tank?
Please share you stories about your dunk tank experience(s)? Where were you dunked (where was the dunk tank)? Who dunked you? Why did you volunteer?
How many time did you get dunked? How long were you sitting on the seat? Desicbe how you felt sitting on the seat with your soaked clothes waiting to get dropped back into the water?
Were people allowed to run and up and hit the target if they missed?
I am sorry this survery was so long. I am going to be in a dunk tank soon and I wanted to know from people first hand what it is going to be like. After taking this survery you all proably want to be the first ones in line to send me in the water. So therefore I am leaving it up to you all what clothes you want me to wear in the dunk tank? What would make a better targe? Swimsuit? fully clothed? Formal Wear?
This poll was created on 2012-06-03 21:45:33 by bubbles24