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The Geekly Top 10: TV Theme Songs with lyrics (Select 5)

Below is a list of catchy theme songs. We tried to think of a good bunch so you'd have plenty to choose from. In this list, we are going for theme songs with lyrics. We will have a separate poll later with just theme score music with little to no lyrics. So, go ahead. What are you waiting for. This is going to be our first podcast and we want to see what you think. Select up to 5!
Happy Days
Batman (The Adam West TV Show)
The Big Bang Theory
WKRP in Cincinnati
The Dukes of Hazzard
The Greatest American Hero
Three's Company
All in the Family
Love American Style
Family Guy
The Brady Bunch
The Addams Family
The Partridge Family
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Beverly Hillbillies
The Love Boat
Laverne and Shirley
The Jeffersons
The Flintstones
Gilligan's Island
The Monkees
This poll was created on 2012-06-16 03:55:16 by Huckbone