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1) Do I know what is expected of me at work? (KRA’s, SLA’s, responsibilities)

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

2) Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right? (System, Access, Process knowledge, Trainings

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

3) Do you receive recognition or praise for doing good work?

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

4) Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person?

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

5) Is there someone at work who encourages my development?

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

6) Do my efforts contribute to the company’s success?

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

7) Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work?

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

8) This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

9) My manager takes my performance appraisal responsibility seriously

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

10) My Manager gives continuous feedback to help me improve my performance

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

11) I am able to effectively apply my learning on the job from the developmental opportunities that i have availed. (Training programmes, certifications etc)

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

12) I am confident that my manager will facilitate my career growth.

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

13) I have discussed a plan for my personnel growth and development with my manager in the past 6 months.

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

14) My manager actively seeks and encourages feedback from the team.

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

15) I can express my opinions, including disagreements to colleagues and leaders comfortably.

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

16) My manager keeps me informed about happenings in my region, unit and organisation.

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

17) My Manager helps me to see how changes made today will affect my company’s future.

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

18) Do you think that the R&R process has improved in the last 6 months?

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

19) Skip Level Meetings with Managers are effective and transparent.

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

20) I believe that employee feedback is being taken seriously and actionized

0% (0) 5. Strongly Agree
0% (0) 4. Agree
0% (0) 3. Neutral
0% (0) 2. Disagree
0% (0) 1. Strongly Disagree

0 voters have answered this question.

Please add any additional comments or feedback.

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0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-06-18 08:31:37 by Akshai
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