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Linux Users

Poll for any linux users, just curious what the majority use for certain things.

First of all, which distribution(s) do you use regularly? (If not listed, pick whatever yours is a derivative of, ie: Cruchbang would be Debian, Lubuntu would be Ubuntu.)

46% (12) Ubuntu
19% (5) Debian
15% (4) Mint
15% (4) Arch
19% (5) Redhat, or Fedora
3% (1) Gentoo
3% (1) Puppy Linux
0% (0) Linux from Scratch, or other built from bottom up.
0% (0) Slackware
3% (1) Mandriva
15% (4) Other

26 voters have answered this question.

Do you prefer using a graphical interface?

62% (15) Yes
12% (3) Never
25% (6) Only when I need it

24 voters have answered this question.

Did you find installing a Linux distribution to be easy?

64% (16) Yes
0% (0) No
28% (7) Yes, but I can understand why it might be difficult for some
8% (2) No, but I feel like it might be easier if I went back and did it again.

25 voters have answered this question.

How do you download software usually?

45% (11) apt-get
16% (4) pacman
25% (6) I use a package management system, like Ubuntu Software Center or Synaptic.
8% (2) I compile from source.
4% (1) PKGBUILD, or similar used to build from source.

24 voters have answered this question.

Do you use multiple partitions?

62% (15) Yes
25% (6) No, entire filesystem is on one partition.
12% (3) I just seperate the /home directory.

24 voters have answered this question.

Do you use exclusively free (as in freedom) software?

37% (9) Yes.
50% (12) When I can, I use non-free software when it's more convenient.
12% (3) No, I don't mind using non-free software at all.

24 voters have answered this question.

IF you play PC games, do you use Windows to do that?

12% (3) I keep a computer running Windows to game on
20% (5) I dual-boot with Windows to play games, etc.
12% (3) I have Windows on a virtual machine to game, or I use an emulator of some sort (for legacy software).
4% (1) I use WINE or PlayOnLinux.
8% (2) No, I play all my games using Linux.
40% (10) No, I don't play games.
4% (1) I play games on my computer, but they're all platform independent, like browser games.

25 voters have answered this question.

Do you program?

16% (4) Yes, as a hobby.
36% (9) Yes, it's my job. (and also a hobby, or not)
28% (7) I don't program regularly, but I can write scripts, etc. when I need to.
16% (4) No, I don't program.
4% (1) No, but I'd like to pick it up some time.

25 voters have answered this question.

What Web Browser do you use?

52% (13) Mozilla Firefox, Nightly, or Firefox Beta (Or a Firefox-based browser)
36% (9) Google Chrome, or Chromium (or Chromium/Chrome-based browser)
8% (2) Opera
0% (0) Midori
4% (1) Other graphical browser (luakit, dwb, dillo, etc.)
0% (0) Text-based browser (lynx, elinks, etc.)

25 voters have answered this question.

When things break, can you generally fix them?

24% (6) Yes, without help.
64% (16) Yes, with help from forums, etc.
4% (1) No, usually I reinstall or switch distros when things break.
8% (2) Things don't usually break for me.

25 voters have answered this question.

What desktop environment or window manager do you use?

8% (2) Don't use one!
28% (7) Gnome
20% (5) KDE
8% (2) XFCE
8% (2) Unity
8% (2) Cinnamon
4% (1) MATE
0% (0) LXDE
0% (0) Blackbox
0% (0) Fluxbox
8% (2) Openbox
4% (1) Awesome
0% (0) i3
0% (0) Xnomad
4% (1) Other

25 voters have answered this question.

Thanks for taking this! Sorry if the questions are kinda goofy. I'm just curious how people outside the forums I use use Linux.

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-09-12 22:34:31 by ratlat
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