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Fart in Face (only males)

Haver you ever farted in someones face?

59% (49) Yes
15% (13) Nope
25% (21) Of course, a lot of times

83 voters have answered this question.

In what face you'd like to fart?

13% (11) Your boyfriend
25% (21) Your Brother
51% (42) Your Friend
9% (8) Other...

82 voters have answered this question.

In a scale of 1 to 10, judge your farts by the loudness

1% (1) 1
1% (1) 2
1% (1) 3
9% (8) 4
6% (5) 5
13% (11) 6
16% (13) 7
14% (12) 8
8% (7) 9
27% (22) 10

81 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-12-16 03:41:55 by Azikix
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