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Questions about religion in general based on legality, mentality, etc.

These questions are set to discover controversial opinions which some may have towards religion if any.
Should freedom of religion be limited/banned?
It should be slightly limited.
It should be somewhat limited.
It should be very limited.
It should be limited but I'm not sure how limited.
It should be completely limited- just my religion being permissible but not required.
It should be completely limited- just my religion being legal and required to be a part of by law.
All religions should be illegal.
I'm not sure whether it should be limited or not.
It should not be limited at all.
Are those who believe in God(s) and/or Goddess(es) in need of psychological help for believing in those kind of things?
I'm not sure.
Should life science classes in schools be allowed to fail a student from that class for not believing in evolution if they do well in those classes?
I'm not sure.
Should universities be allowed to refuse giving a degree in a life science related major/minor to a graduating student for not believing in evolution even though he/she did well on those classes?
I'm not sure.
Should animal sacrifice be banned by law?
It should not be banned but limited.
I'm not sure.
Should religions be prohibited of teaching something that goes against the social norms and/or what is considered to be acceptable?
I'm not sure.
Should religious people be prohibited from believing that same-sex marriage is immoral?
I'm not sure.
If someone claims to have discovered some supposed "truths" and founds a new religion and grows as time moves on, should that kind of thing be illegal?
I'm not sure.
Should schools be allowed to prohibit religious students from fasting if their fast overlaps with the school hours?
Schools should be allowed to but not required to do so.
Actually, schools should be required to do so.
Schools should not be allowed to do so.
Schools should be allowed to do so but I'm not sure whether schools should actually be required to do so.
I'm not sure whether schools should be allowed to do so.
This poll was created on 2015-08-30 03:41:25 by Mrellfav