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Wetting Accidents in Late Teens and Young Adults

Hi! I'm Claire, 24, and have been dealing with frequent wetting accidents since I was a teenager and I'm curious about other people's experiences with this problem. This poll is intended for people who had/have on-going, regular problems with day and/or nighttime incontinence during their late teens and/or early adulthood. I'll mark which answers apply to me so you can compare!
Okay! First, some demographics. Gender?
Girl (Me)
Current Age?
Under 14 (This poll is really meant for older people...)
23-24 (Me)
Over 30
Okay, now let's talk about accidents. Do you have problems during the day, at night, or both?
Daytime only
Nighttime only
Both day and night (me)
Was their something specific that caused you to start having accidents?
Congenital birth defect
Physical injury
Nothing specific or I'm not sure (Me)
Let's talk specifically about bedwetting. If you wet the bed, when did you start?
I've always wet the bed
Childhood (5-9)
Pre-teen (10-13) (Me)
Teenager (14-19)
Adult (20+)
How frequently did or do you experience problems with bedwetting as a teen or young adult? Pick the answer that best represents your average.
Only once or twice a month
Once or twice a week
Three or four times a week
Five or six times a week
Every night (me)
I did not have problems with bedwetting as a teen or adult
If you had bedwetting accidents, how did they occur? Pick all that apply.
I did/do not have bedwetting accidents
I would completely sleep through the accident and wake up wet (me)
I would wake up in the middle of peeing
I would wake up dry but needing to go so urgently that I wet before I could get out of bed
I would have dreams that I was peeing when accidents occurred (sometimes me)
Other, feel free to elaborate
Did bedwetting accidents stop your from doing any of the following? Pick all that apply.
Small sleepover (only a few close friends)
Large sleepovers (me)
Summer camp or similar camps (me)
Overnight school field trips (me)
Living in a dorm (yep, also me)
I did/do not have problems with bedwetting
If your bedwetting stopped your from certain activities, why? Pick all that apply.
Bedwetting did not stop me from activities or I did/do not have bedwetting problems
Too embarrassed or afraid people would find out (me)
Parents would not let me
Rules at the location where I would have been sleeping
If you went to college, how did you deal with bedwetting while living in a dorm? If you haven't gone to college but plan to, you can answer based on how you think you'll deal with it.
I did not and/or do not plan to go to college or I did not have problems with bedwetting while in college
Successfully hid it from dormmate
Unsuccessfully hid it from dormmate
Was able to to get a private dorm room
Lived off campus in my own apartment
Lived at home with parents during college (me)
When did you stop having regular bedwetting problems?
I never had bedwetting problems in my late teens or as a young adult
Bedwetting is still an on-going issue for me, if so, how old are you now (Me, 24)
Okay, now let's talk about daytime accidents. When did you start having accidents during the day?
Regular daytime accidents have not been a problem for me past potty training age
I've always had daytime accidents and/or was never fully potty trained
As a child (4-9)
As a pre-teen (10-13) (Me)
As a teenager (14-19)
As an adult (20+)
How frequently do you have daytime accidents? Pick the option closest to your average. For the purposes of this question, only count times when you completely lose control and empty your bladder.
I did/do not have problems with regular daytime accidents
I only experience small bladder leaks and never completely lose control
Very rarely, less than once a month
Rarely, only once or twice a month
Somewhat often, a few times a month
Often, I consistently have at least one or two accident a week
Very often, I consistently have at least three to five accidents a week
Extremely often, I consistently have at least one or two accidents a day (me)
Almost constantly, I consistently have more than three accidents a day
Constantly, I have no bladder control
How or why do your daytime accidents occur? Pick all that apply.
I do not have regular problems with daytime accidents
I do not notice I have to pee until I'm already wetting (sometimes me)
I get strong, sudden urges and can't hold it (sometimes me)
Strenuous physical activity, e.g., running, heavy lifting
Coughing, sneezing, etc
Laughing too hard (sometimes me, but not often)
Situations where I do not have easy access to a restroom, e.g., class, driving, etc. (me)
Mobility issues due to disability
Have you been diagnosed with medical incontinence? Pick more than one if you have multiple types.
I do not have regular problems with daytime accidents.
No, I have not
Yes, Urge Incontinence (me)
Yes, Stress Incontinence
Yes, Overflow Incontinence
Yes, Functional Incontinence
No, but I have another medical issue that cause my accidents
Have you tried any of the following to reduce the number of accidents you have and, if so, did they help? Pick all that apply.
I do not have regular problems with daytime accidents
Medication, did help
Medication, did not help (me)
Botox, did help
Botox, did not help
Surgery, did help
Surgery, did not help
Kegel or other bladder training exercises, did help (me, it helped reduce the number of small leaks I have)
Kegel or other bladder training exercies, did not help
I have not tried any of these
If you had wetting accidents in your late teens, what kind of high school did you attend?
I did not have regular problems with wetting accidents in my late teens
Public school, for reasons unrelated to my accidents
Public school, for reasons related to my accidents
Private school, for reasons unrelated to my accidents (me)
Private school, for reasons related to my accidents
Home school, for reasons unrelated to my accidents
Home school, for reasons related to my accidents
If you attended a particular type of high school for reasons related to your accidents, what were the reasons? Pick all that apply.
I did not have regular problems with accidents during high school
My accidents had no relation to the type of high school I attend (me)
Rules at the school I would have otherwise attended, what was the rule
Parent's choice, why
My choice, why
At what age did you stop having regular problems with daytime accidents?
I have never had regular problems with daytime accidents in my late teens or as a young adult
Regular daytime accidents are still an on going issue for me, if so, how old are you now? (me, 24)
Now for some questions related to both day and nighttime wettings. If you had wetting accidents while living with your parents, how did they react to your problem? Pick more than one if appropriate.
I did not have wetting problems while living with my parents
They were very understanding and sympathetic
They were frequently frustrated or angry (me)
They accused you of doing it on purpose
They ignored the issue completely
They felt you would have less accidents if you tried harder (me)
They treated you like a little kid
Were you ever punished by your parents for having accidents?
Yes (me)
If so, did they use any of the following punishments? Pick all that apply
I did not have wetting problems while living with my parents
Taking away privileges (phone, internet, video games, etc) (me, they wouldn't let me play video games sometimes)
Early bed time
Were you ever teased for having accidents? By whom? Pick all that apply.
I was never teased for having accidents
Yes, by my parents
Yes, by siblings (me)
Yes, by other family members (me, my cousin)
Yes, by close friends
Yes, by kids at my school (me)
Yes, by co-workers
Yes, by significant other/spouse
Yes, by complete strangers
Yes, by other people
Do you know anyone else in real life who has or had problems with accidents in their late teens or as an adult?
No or not that I'm aware of (me)
Yes, siblings
Yes, extended family members
Yes, close friends
Yes, other kids at my school
Yes, co-workers
Yes, other
Do you have problems with low self esteem due at least in part to your accidents?
Yes (me)
Do you think that you'll ever stop having problems with accidents?
I have already stopped having accidents
Yes, I'm completely certain that I will
I think that I probably will
I have absolutely no idea
I think it is very unlikely that I will (me)
I'm 100% sure that I will not
Okay, whether you call them diapers, nappies, pull-ups, or something else, the embarrassing reality for some of us is that we sometimes need a little extra protection. So, do you use or have you used protection for your wetting?
Yes, I still use protection (me)
Yes, I have in the past but no longer do
No, my wetting problems are not bad enough to need them
No, but I've considered it before and might in the future
No, and I would absolutely never use it
Do you use protection for nighttime, daytime, or both?
I do not use protection
Nighttime only
Daytime only
Both (me)
If you use protection at night, how often do you use it? Pick more than one if appropriate.
I do not use protection at night
When sleeping in a new or strange place
When I think there's a higher chance of having an accident for some reason
When I'm sleeping anywhere that isn't my own bed
When I'm sharing a bed with someone else
Every night, no matter what (me)
What kind of protection do you use at night?
I do not use protection at night
Cloth diapers
Cloth pull-ups/training pants
Disposable, tape-on diapers (me)
Disposable pull-ups
Incontinence pads
How old were you when you started wearing protection to bed?
I have never worn protection for bed past an appropriate age
I've always worn protection to bed
As a child (5-9)
As a pre-teen (10-13) (me)
As a teenager (14-19)
As an adult (20+)
Why did you first start wearing protection to bed?
I have never worn protection for bed past an appropriate age
I have always worn protection to bed
My parents made me, I had no choice (me)
My parents suggested it and I agreed
Someone else made and I had no choice, if so who?
Someone else suggested it and I agreed, if so who?
I decided to wear it myself, but the frequency of my accidents gave me little or no choice
I decided to wear it myself, because I thought it would be more convenient and/or less embarrassing
How old were you when you stopped wearing protection to bed?
I never wore protection to bed as a teenager or young adult
I still wear protection to bed, if so how old are you now (me, 24)
If you wear or wore protection during the day as a teen or young adult, when did you start?
I never used daytime protection as a teen or adult
I have always worn daytime protection
As a child (4-9)
As a pre-teen (10-13)
As a teen (14-19) (me)
As an adult (20+)
What type of protection do or did you use during the day as a teen or adult? Pick more than one if you use multiple types.
I have never worn daytime protection as a teen or adult
Cloth diapers
Cloth pull-ups/training pants
Disposable, tape-on diapers (me, sometimes)
Disposable pull-ups (me, usually)
Incontinence pads
As a teen or adult, do/did you wear protection all the time or only in situations where an accident was more likely?
I have never worn daytime protection as a teen or adult
I wore/wear protection all day and use the same kind of protection in all situations
I wore/wear protection all day, but use heavier protection in certain situations (me)
I only wore/wear protection in situations where I was likely to have an accident
If you said you only wore/wear protection in certain situations or that you use heavier protection in certain situations, in what kinds of situations do you use protection? Pick all that apply
I have never worn daytime protection as a teen or adult
I use the same kind of protection in all situations and wear all day
Traveling (me)
Family gatherings (me, sometimes)
Playing sports
Amusement Parks/Theme Parks/Carnivals/etc (me)
Weddings or other formal occasions (me, sometimes)
Movie theaters (me)
If you wore/wear daytime protection as a teen or adult, at what age did your stop?
I have never worn daytime protection as a teen or adult
I still wear protection during the day, if so how old are you? (me, 24)
That's it, you're done! Thanks for taking my poll! Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions below (optional)
This poll was created on 2017-02-25 16:25:25 by GamerChick