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Girls Only: Rating Your Looks

A poll for girls asking questions about looks.
Male (This poll does not apply)
Hair color
Light brunette
Dirty blonde
Bleach blonde
Describe your looks.
Do you consider yourself physically attractive?
Yes, I am very pretty.
I am above average.
I am average.
I am below average.
No, I think I am unattractive.
On average, when going out to do daily things, much time do you spend getting ready in front of the mirror?
Less than 5 minutes.
5 - 10 minutes.
10 - 20 minutes.
20 to 30 minutes.
30 to 60 minutes.
Over an hour.
Which of these do you think is your most attractive trait?
What do you feel the most self-conscious about?
I'm a young, athletic, guy. If I picked you out of a crowd of girls as being the most attractive and offered to do it with you, how would you feel? (Select all that apply)
That would make me feel even more attractive.
I would be flattered.
I would be flattered, but I would not show it.
I would take it as a compliment.
I would be excited.
I would feel embarrassed.
That would NOT make me feel attractive.
I would feel uncomfortable.
I would not believe you.
How would you respond?
I would accept the offer.
I would decline.
If asked to get into what shows off your best features, what would you wear?
A more advanced poll goes into giving you a rating. You can find it here: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/620049 Will you take it?
No thanks.
This poll was created on 2017-07-05 10:22:17 by Nightro