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kids doing a spooncerd swim fully clothed in their shoes and socks for charity

To find. Out how many kids will do a sponcard swim fully clothed in their shoes and socks for a charity of their choice for real
How old are you
What gender are you
Can you swim
Will you do a sponcared swim for a charity ofyou choice fully clothed in your shoes and socks for real
No way
Yes as long as life guards say it is ok
I will ask my parents if they say yes then yes
Yes as long as life guards say it is OK but not in my shoes
I will think about it.
OK go on then yes I will
Yes but not in my shoes
If you have said you will ask your parents are they with you right now
If you parents are with you right now will you ask them right now if you can do a sponcared. Swim for a charity of your choice fully clothed in your shoes and socks for real and see what they say
No way I know what they will say
Go on then yes
I will think about it
If you have said yes what have they said
They have said they will think about it
They have said yes but not in my shoes
They have said yes
They have said no way
Which of the following charities are you going to do your sponcared swim for
Local children's hospice
Local church
My school funds
My scout group
Local children's hospital
Other charity
A cancer charity
My cub pack
Local youth group
Can I wish you good luck and hope you raise a lot of money and enjoy
Yes thanks I will probably be a bit nervuse on day but will do my best
Yes thanks I do not need luck as I have swam fully clothed in my shoes and socks before
I am not doing it so you do not need to wish me luck
Yes thanks I will need it as I am nervuse about it as it will be first time I have swam fully clothed in my shoes and socks
This poll was created on 2018-09-12 01:33:38 by HOWARDTHEDUCK