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Barefeet/Barefoot Poll

A poll about your barefoot tendencies and behaviors. I'm using this for general information, as well as personal use, plus sating a curiosity I have.
Firstly, what is your age?
And what is your gender?
Alright, so for our first actual question, how would you describe your personality?
How intelligent would you rate yourself out of ten? 1 being borderline deficent 10 being a Genius
And how social would you rate yourself out of ten? 1 being very shy or awkward 10 being a social butterfly and very comfortable around people
First, in the next sort of group of questions, how often are you barefoot a day?
How often do you wear socks?
And how often do you wear shoes?
Finally, how often do you wear any alternative forms of footwear, sandals ETC?
Now, a few scenario questions: You're sitting at home, it's a relaxed weekend and mid-afternoon, what would you be wearing (probably) on your feet?
You're sitting alone at home again, except this time the weather is warmer, bordering on being hot, what would you be wearing on your feet?
Lastly, the same scenario of being at home, except the weather is quite cold, what would you be wearing on your feet?
How would you describe your feet in terms of toughness? 1 barely having cusioning pads and being totally soft. 10 being totally hardened and utterly resilient.
New Scenario, you're at a friends house, it's normal, midday and they have carpetted and wooden floors, what would you be wearing on your feet?
Same scenario, you've at a friends house, and you're wearing what you specified you would be, but they're wearing shoes and socks. What would you be wearing/put on then?
And again, except this time they are wearing a pair of socks. What would you be wearing or put on your feet now?
This time your friend is wearing nothing, they're totally barefoot. What would you be wearing or put on your feet now?
Alright, still following on with the same scenario, except you're just arriving at the house, what would you be wearing on your feet?
Again, same thing. You arrive at the door, but your friend answers with shoes and socks on. Assuming you have shoes and socks packed with you, what would you put/have on your feet?
Just continuing on from that scenario, except they answer in socks, what now?
And same thing, except now they just have barefeet. What would you have/put on your feet?
This question only applies if you are in the house, and you are in your barefeet. With than in mind, if that asked you to put on your shoes/shoes or both, what would you do?
And this one only applies if you're in the house, with your shoes and/or socks on. And by that if they asked you to take them off and go barefoot, what would you do?
Scenario, you need to get to your friends house, but you're going on foot. The first part of the walk is a patch of grass, it's nice and trim, soft, with no dead or sharp matter in sight. What would you wear through it, take off, or be wearing to begin with?
You're now past the grass patch. In front of you is a gravel road (we're assuming you have shoes and socks at least packed with you) with few loose rocks. What do you wear over it, put on, take off or do?
Heres where it gets a little tricky, next is a field of mud, no matter what you wear your feet or footwear are going to get dirty, shoes or socks especially with get soaked. What do you wear, take off, put on or do?
Lastly is a winding gravel road up to their house, theres tons of loose gravel and rocks, random litter, dirt, water and the road is filthy. What do you put on, take off, or wear? And why?
Do you pefer shoes, socks or barefeet, why?
New Scenario, you're in a group of friends, and you're all hanging out at one of your houses. All your friends either remove their shoes and socks or are simply in barefeet, what are you wearing/what do you do?
It's the same scenario, except instead of at a house, it's in a park. What now?
And again, the same scenatio as before, except you're all in public, in the middle of a city or town.
Do you find being barefoot relaxing?
Assume you are wearing shoes and socks, you're at home with a group of friends, when they suddenly grap you are start to remove your footwear, what do you do?
Assume you are wearing shoes and socks, you're at home with a group of friends, when they suddenly grab you and start to remove your footwear, what do you do?
The same scenario as above, except it's is a dressing room or toilets in public, what do you do?
How often are you barefoot? 1 as in you've never taken off your socks or 10 as in you've never touched footwear before.
How much do you enjoy being barefoot? 1 you detest it. 5 You don't care or 10, you love it to bits
List some reasons you like wearing shoes
List some reasons you dislike wearing shoes.
List some reasons you like wearing socks.
List some reasons you don't like wearing socks.
List some reasons you like being barefoot.
List some reasons you dislike being barefoot.
Do you sleep in your barefeet?
Now another scenario, you're at a barbecue with your friends, regardless of what you're wearing, you have shoes, socks and other footwear with you. All your friends are wearing their footwear, and the weather is reasonably hot, it's outside, what do you do/put on/keep on?
Again, the same scenario, except some of your friends start taking off their footwear, until about half of them are in their barefeet. What do you do?
And the same scenario, except nearly all of your friends barefoot, and keep taking their footwear off until they are all barefoot, what now?
What are you wearing on your feet as of now?
I'd like you to remove your footwear or socks until you're barefoot. What are you wearing now?
You can put your footwear back on now if you'd like. I would now like you to rate your comfortability of being barefoot, 1 you are terrified of it, 5 it's neutral, you don't care, and 10, it's extremly comfortable and enjoyable for you.
Finally, did you enjoy this poll? Any questions?
This poll was created on 2018-09-19 08:31:54 by Lord Mathious