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Wicca 101

Okay, if you think this is full of you know what, just go to another poll, okay? This is just to gauge the open- minded populace, so if you're not... there are plenty of other polls that cater to your more limited tastes. Also... IF YOUR ANSWER ON ANY QUESTION IS "OTHER," PLEASEPLEASE PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE BOARD! I want to make this as all- encompassing as possible.

Do you feel like you know what Wicca is?

25% (156) Yes, I practice
8% (53) Yes, I used to practice
15% (98) Yes, I have Wiccan friends
27% (172) Yes, I have studied it
11% (69) Yes, and it contradicts what I believe
2% (17) No, I'm not sure
2% (14) No, I am not interested
0% (5) No, I've never heard of it
3% (23) No, but I am interested
2% (14) Other

621 voters have answered this question.

What is Wicca to you?

17% (321) A nature based religion
2% (53) A bi- theistic system
7% (135) A poly- theistic system
5% (103) A religion that uses diety as symbols for natural truth
6% (110) An ancient religion
12% (224) A modern religion stemming from old beliefs
6% (114) A guide to spirituality rather than a religion
8% (157) A way to improve your interaction with the world around you
8% (147) A way to better understand life and its mysteries
7% (131) A connection to the Divine
4% (84) Open to interpretation
1% (33) A trap for teenagers
0% (8) An outdated religion
2% (41) An excuse for playing with magic
2% (49) One of the Devil's traps
1% (28) The same as Satanism
3% (66) A trend
1% (19) Other

1823 voters have answered this question.

Would you be interested in learning about Wiccan beliefs and practices?

21% (162) Yes, I can always learn more about my religion
8% (64) Yes, I am considering Wicca as my path to the Divine
17% (135) Yes, I am open to new ideas
5% (39) Yes, mostly to confirm my own beliefs in what I believe to be true
20% (161) Yes, to increase my knowledge
3% (30) No, it doesn't interest me
8% (68) No, it is contradictory to my beliefs
0% (7) No, I don't have time
0% (5) No, I don't know enough about my own religion yet
3% (29) No, I believe it is Satan in disguise
3% (27) No, I don't think witchcraft is morally right
5% (40) Other

767 voters have answered this question.

What is magic to you?

30% (242) A way to influence and transform my life and world around me
23% (187) A way to gain insight
4% (32) A way to get what I want
1% (13) A way to punish others
4% (35) Superstitious hoodoo
3% (31) Ineffective
5% (42) Evil
7% (62) Ignorance
2% (22) Mysterious and intimidating
4% (39) A pact with Satan
10% (79) Other

784 voters have answered this question.

What words do you prefer for those who practice Wicca?

27% (215) Witch
41% (321) Wiccan
2% (16) Fey One
5% (43) Wise One
1% (10) Wyrd Sister
2% (21) Old Soul
3% (24) Maiden/Mother/Crone
3% (27) Lunatic
4% (33) Satanist
7% (59) Other

769 voters have answered this question.

Is practicing magic an essential part of being Wiccan?

4% (23) Yes, it is the most important thing
20% (115) Yes, it is part of the big picture and cannot be ignored
34% (193) No, it is not necessary
6% (38) No, magic should not be practiced
10% (56) No, magic is not real so it doesn't mean anything
1% (10) No, it's antiquated
21% (119) It's spelled MAGICK, girl, get it right!

554 voters have answered this question.

How should Wiccans be treated?

24% (209) As sacred beings just like everyone else
21% (184) As reasonable minded people
34% (295) As people who have rights to believe what they want
2% (23) As strange people, but people nonetheless
6% (54) As people who are confused and deluded
2% (20) Like any flake- just smile and nod or ignore them
2% (25) As practitioners of the dark arts
1% (16) As ignorant but cheerful pagans (you know, first layer of hell stuff, the virtuous pagans)
2% (17) Other

843 voters have answered this question.

Where does modern Wicca come from?

8% (75) the Norse
9% (80) the Welsh
6% (56) the Greek
4% (37) the Faeries
2% (17) Voodoo
6% (59) Shamanism
15% (129) Druidism
8% (71) Folk custom
27% (237) Whatever culture the practitioner identifies with
4% (35) Satan
6% (54) Other

850 voters have answered this question.

Do Wiccans believe in the Devil or hell? (this is a general knowledge question, there is a CORRECT answer...)

7% (31) Yes
77% (331) No
2% (11) Somewhat
12% (53) I'm not sure

426 voters have answered this question.

What practices in Wicca most appeal to you?

13% (253) Communing with nature
10% (202) Enhancing awareness
10% (193) Meditation
10% (210) Honoring the earth
5% (107) Communing with other dimensions
6% (116) Divination
7% (152) A religion I can interpret myself
6% (123) Spellcasting
1% (38) Joining a coven
3% (70) Relating to my heritage
6% (128) Understanding people and motivations
8% (164) Having more control over my life
6% (121) Meeting people with similar interests
2% (51) Other

1928 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-12-07 05:19:26 by wrenfalling
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