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Smoking around Kids

For parents, or people taking care of children and which smoking. Infant/Baby - under 2,5 years Toddler - 2,5 years until 4 Child - 5 years until 8 Older child - 9 years until 12 Younf teen - 13 years until 15 Older teen - der than 16

How much du you smoke per day?

0% (0) Around 10 cigs.
4% (1) Less than 10 Cigs.
14% (3) Between 10 and 20 Cigs.
9% (2) 1 Pack
28% (6) Between 1 and 2 Packs
42% (9) 2 Packs or more

21 voters have answered this question.

How many kids do u have?

14% (3) 1
23% (5) 2
38% (8) 3
9% (2) 4
14% (3) More than 4

21 voters have answered this question.

How old?

33% (7) Under 12 months
33% (7) Between 1 and 2 years
9% (2) 3 years
28% (6) 4 years
28% (6) 5 years
14% (3) 6 years
19% (4) 7 years
33% (7) 8 years
19% (4) 9 years
4% (1) 10 years
19% (4) 11 years
14% (3) Between 11 and 13 years
9% (2) Between 13 and 15 years
0% (0) Older than 15

21 voters have answered this question.

Do u hid your smoking?

4% (1) Yes, they dont know that i smoke
0% (0) I dont smoke in front of them or when they see, but they know it
0% (0) I only smoke when thex are not around me
0% (0) Maybe they see me, but they are not in my near
0% (0) I smoke also when the kids are around me
95% (20) I smoke in front and next to/around the kids

21 voters have answered this question.

Where do u smoke?

71% (15) Outside around the kids
42% (9) Outside without the kids
28% (6) In my car, with the kids inside and open window.
76% (16) In my car, with kids inside and also with closed window
9% (2) In my cary but not when the kids are inside
66% (14) In the house, also when the kids are at home
76% (16) In the house, also when the kids are in the same room
76% (16) I smoke in every room in the house/appertement also when the kids are inside
47% (10) I smoke in the nursey.
57% (12) I smoek in the nursey, also when my kids are at home and inside the nursey
4% (1) I smoke at home but not when the kids are at home
80% (17) I smoke also driectly next to my kids, for example when they are on my lap, or we sitting in the livingroom

21 voters have answered this question.

Do u smoke a lot around your kids

55% (11) Yes i do, they are strong Passivsmokers
10% (2) I smoke much and also much in front/aorund the kids
5% (1) I smoke very heavy around and in front of the kids
5% (1) I dont smoke so much around the kids
0% (0) Around the kids, i smoke not much
0% (0) Aorund the kids i smoke less than normal
10% (2) Around the kids i smoke the same amount as without thm.
15% (3) Around the kids i smoke more as without them

20 voters have answered this question.

As a women/mom. Do or would you smoke during pregnancy? As a man/dad. Would you be okay?

28% (6) Yes, i would continue. I would be okay.
47% (10) Yes i did, and i would do again. Yes i was okay with it and would be again
0% (0) Yes i did, but i wouldnt do again. Yes, i was okay wirh it, but not again.
23% (5) No i wouldnt

21 voters have answered this question.

As a women/mom. Do or would you smoke during breastfeeding? As a man/dad. Would you be okay

45% (9) Yes, i would continue. I would be okay
45% (9) Yes i did, and i would do again. Yes i was okay with it and would be again
5% (1) Yes i did, but i wouldnt do again. Yes, i was okay wirh it, but not again
5% (1) No I wouldnt

20 voters have answered this question.

Smoking around a baby

90% (19) Yes it is okay / yes i do ore did
0% (0) I did it but wouldnt do again
9% (2) No

21 voters have answered this question.

Smoking in front / around a toddler

90% (19) It is okay / i do it or did it
0% (0) I did it but wouldnt do again
9% (2) No

21 voters have answered this question.

Smoking in front / aorund a child (primary - school - ages)

95% (20) It is okay / i donit or did it
0% (0) I did it but wouldnt do again
4% (1) No

21 voters have answered this question.

Smoking in front / around a young teen?

90% (19) It is okay / i o it or did it
0% (0) I did but wouldnt do again
9% (2) No

21 voters have answered this question.

Do your kids like your smoking?

4% (1) They hate it
47% (10) The love it
47% (10) Its just normal for them

21 voters have answered this question.

Do they have any negative affects because of the passiv smoke?

14% (3) The are extremly antsy or/and nervous.
38% (8) They are coughing a lot
28% (6) They are often ill
14% (3) The have often headache
9% (2) The are often vomit
28% (6) The have bad condition
33% (7) They have breathing problems when they do sport ore "physically work"
23% (5) They have asthma
19% (4) The grwoing slowier
76% (16) Their clothes smells like cold smoke
57% (12) They body and their haur smells like cold smoke
23% (5) They cant concentrate
14% (3) They have real healthy problems

21 voters have answered this question.

At what age would you allowe your kid to start/try smoking?

52% (11) Under 3
0% (0) With 3
9% (2) With 4
9% (2) With 5
19% (4) With 6
4% (1) With 7
0% (0) Between 8 and 9
0% (0) With 10
4% (1) Older than 10 and younger than 13
0% (0) With 13

21 voters have answered this question.

Did one of your kids smokes?

42% (9) Infant/Baby - take a few puffs
23% (5) Toddler - takes a few puffs
9% (2) Toddler - takes a whole cig.
38% (8) Toddler - smoes regulary
4% (1) Child - takes a few puffs
23% (5) Child - takes a whole cig.
61% (13) Child - smokes regulary
4% (1) Older child - takes a few puffs
4% (1) Older child - takes a whole cig.
38% (8) Older child smokes regulary
4% (1) Young teen - takes a few puffs
4% (1) Young teen - takes a whole cig.
19% (4) Young teen - smokes regulary
4% (1) Old teen - takes whole cig.
9% (2) Old teen - smokes regulary

21 voters have answered this question.

Would u help your kid to start smoking?

68% (13) Yes as a toddler
21% (4) Yes as a child
10% (2) Yes as a older child
0% (0) Yes a young teen
0% (0) Yes as a older teen

19 voters have answered this question.

I allow...

66% (14) ... that my toddler smokes in the House / appertement
66% (14) ... that my chikd smokes in the house / appertement
42% (9) ...that my older Child smokes in the house / Appartement
14% (3) ...that my young teen smokes in the house / Appartement
9% (2) ...that my older teen smokes in the House /Appartement
52% (11) ...that my toddler smokes in the car
66% (14) ...that my child smokes in the car
42% (9) ...that my older child smokes in the car
23% (5) ...that my young teen smokes in the car
9% (2) ...that my older teen smokes in the car
52% (11) ...that my toddler smokes during meal
47% (10) ...that my child smokes during meal
38% (8) ...that my older child smokes during meal
19% (4) ...that my younger / der teen smokes during meal
42% (9) ...that my toddler smokes in his nursey
47% (10) ...that my child smokes in his nursey
28% (6) ...that my olderes child smokes in his nursey
19% (4) ...that my teen smokes in his room
23% (5) ...that my toddler smokes in public
52% (11) ...that my child smokes in public
33% (7) ...that my older child smokes in public
19% (4) ...that my young teen smones in public
9% (2) ...that my older teen smokes in Public
42% (9) ...that my toddler smokes during it plays with younger sister or brother
52% (11) ...that my child smokes during it plays with younger sister or brother
33% (7) ...that my older child smokes during it playa with younger sister or brother
14% (3) ...that my teen smokes suring it plays with younger sister or brother
4% (1) I forbid my toddler to smoke when it gets consequences or punishments
0% (0) I forbid my child to smoke when it gets consequenzes or punisments
0% (0) I forbid my older child to smoke when it gets consequenzes or punishments
0% (0) I forbid my teen to smoke when it gets consequenzes

21 voters have answered this question.

I use forbidding to smoke for my

71% (15) Toddler
9% (2) Child
9% (2) child
9% (2) Older child
23% (5) Young teen

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2022-06-12 16:57:13 by Neu
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