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Worst ways to die

Vote on what would be the worst/most painful way to go
Do you fear death?
I try not to think bout it
If you were going to die tomorrow, what would be the 3 worst/most painful ways to go? (Warning, may be disturbing for some readers).
Falling off the top of a large building
Getting run over by a car
Being involved in a car accident
Heart attack
Starving to death
Being decapitated by a sharp metal object
Being crushed under a cement slab or boulder
Having your wrist cut and bleed to death
Being stabbed multiple times by a maniac
Being eaten by a shark
Being eaten by a lion, bear, or tiger
Suffering a slow, painful death by cancer
the flesh eating bacteria
Choking on a piece of food
Hit by a lightning bolt
Burned to death
Gas chamber
Lethal injection
Nuclear catastrophe
Going insane/loss of self awareness
Freezing to death
Being blind, deaf, dumb, crippled, and tortured
Pushed over Niagra Falls by your best friend
Beaten to death by a mob
Trampled in a soccer stadium
Impaled by a sword or spear
Eaten alive by a cannibal
Shotgun blast to the head
Brain dead
Cut in half with a saw
Force fed broken glass
Eaten by worms
Submerged in lava
Dragged behind a car at high speed
Slowly digested in the stomach of a whale
Buried in sand up to your neck on the beach
Falling into the blades of a helicopter
Embalmed Alive
Baseball bat to the head
Rattlesnake bite
Trapped in a school of jellyfish
Crushed under a forklift
Covered in acid
Arms and legs pulled off
Tortured, raped, and disemboweled
Put through a giant meat grinder
Hacked up with a chainsaw
Getting your brains sucked out
Strangled, stabbed, and beaten by a clown
Having your head squashed in a vice
Polked full of holes by a needle
Drug overdose
Trampled by a rampaging elephant
Do you fear death?
This poll was created on 2002-02-05 19:26:27 by Laws4life