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To ensure the BLESSINGS of liberty to us and our prosperitys

"WE THE PEOPLE in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, provide for the common defence, and secure the BLESSINGS of liberty to us and our prosperities do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution for the United Stats of America" - Preamble to the Consitution. The Constition DOES acknowledge a God, because who else could bless us? If Newdow is going to play the legal game, I think he just lost, don't you?
Do you believe in any god?
Do you relize that "under God" can refere to any god, whether it is a Christian/Judeo?Muslim, Budist, or Pegan god?
Do You Believe that the words "Under God" in the plegde of Alligence are unconstitional
Yes, it is <b>NOT</b> constitutional
No, it <b>IS</b> constitutional
If you think it is unconsitutional, please justify how we can be blessed with liberty if we as nation are not under a god. After all, only gods can bless?
I will
No, i'm stubrn and I refuse to answer that question because I might prove myself wrong!!!
I think it is constitutional
If you don't believe in a god, do you think it makes a difference wether or not you "profess" your faith to one, after all, you can't make you god angry for doing so because you don't believe in one:-)? Feel free to use the message area to give a more definate opinion.
I do believe in a god
Do you think this could prove Newdow wrong?
I hope my poll was thought provoking. Please tell what you think about any of the questions or your opinion of the poll in the message area.
This poll was created on 2002-07-13 19:35:52 by M-14