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Extreem teen poll (boys 10 to 15)

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This poll is strictly for boys between the ages of 10 and 15

How old are you

5% (59) 10
4% (48) 11
5% (66) 12
17% (205) 13
26% (308) 14
41% (492) 15

1178 voters have answered this question.

What is your sexual orientation

43% (505) Strait
13% (162) Gay
25% (302) Bi
17% (203) Unsure

1172 voters have answered this question.

Are you a virgin

41% (481) yes
58% (686) no

1167 voters have answered this question.

If no, who have u had sex with

70% (517) friend male
45% (332) friend female
17% (128) Teacher male
10% (79) Teacher female
17% (126) Sister older
15% (115) Sister younger
31% (234) Brother older
30% (224) Brother younger
18% (137) Cousin female
33% (245) cousin male
8% (60) Mother
12% (90) Father
13% (102) Other relative
17% (132) Stranfer
14% (105) other

736 voters have answered this question.

Do u have any piercings, if so, where

73% (757) None
17% (175) earlobe
2% (30) earcartilage
3% (32) toung
4% (43) lip
2% (22) nose
6% (70) nipple
3% (34) navel
9% (94) penis

1023 voters have answered this question.

How often do u have sex per week

27% (295) 1 to 2
11% (119) 3 to 4
4% (48) 5 to 6
4% (45) 7 to 8
2% (32) 8 to 10
0% (9) 11 to 12
0% (6) 13 to 14
9% (97) 14+
39% (425) never

1076 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend

45% (518) yes
54% (632) no

1150 voters have answered this question.

are you attracted to anyone (not bf or gf)

82% (946) yes
17% (194) no

1140 voters have answered this question.

Do u have look at porn (magazines, internet)

90% (1044) yes
9% (113) no

1157 voters have answered this question.

do your parents know

23% (271) yes
67% (782) no
8% (103) dont look at it

1156 voters have answered this question.

do u watch porn (movies), if so, what format

20% (229) dont watch it
52% (595) movie (speciffically porn)
46% (521) downloaded
22% (254) regular movies with suttle porn (american pie)

1123 voters have answered this question.

do your parents know

22% (254) yes
63% (720) no
14% (159) dont watch it

1133 voters have answered this question.

How good was this poll

12% (137) Execelent
9% (109) Great
28% (317) Good
33% (372) Moderate
7% (89) Bad
8% (90) Really Bad Terrible

1114 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-09-20 21:43:25 by donhagen
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