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The Official Mister Poll Forum

When I've already voted in a poll ..........

Posted by jimmycool on 2008-01-10 17:56:16

Sometimes it lets me take the poll before it tells me (I've mentioned that to you before and you have it on your list to take a look at).

However, sometimes when I select a poll from the directory, it tells me immediately before I take the poll (which is what I had asked for).

The problem: In the first case, I can still look at the results and messages. In the second case, I have no option and I'm sent back to the directory.

I don't know why different polls behave differently, but if you are making a change to provide up-front notice, please try to insure that access is provided to the results and messages. Thanks.

Btw, I'm very impressed with the new format and the effort you've put into it. It's a tremendous improvement.

Posted by threedee on 2008-01-11 07:08:32

"Btw, I'm very impressed with the new format and the effort you've put into it. It's a tremendous improvement."

Agreed, I really love the "engine"! With all the data it's possible to do complex analysis and answer the all important questions like "Does the hand size actually correlate with anything else..." and "Is the correlation between intelligence and salary negative, positive or non existent...". Now the only problem is getting unbiased data :-p

Posted by Blackninja133 on 2008-01-25 16:42:59

Why hasn't Mr.poll man typed something in this topic to make everyone feel better? That is what he usually does.

Posted by Mickeymysterious on 2008-02-05 18:07:01

I have exactly the same problem. I logged out then tried it again and it still told me I had already voted and wouldn't let me go to the poll or results. Mickey

Posted by Blackninja133 on 2008-02-05 21:00:53

it's been over a month and mister poll still hasn't said anything here. Did he die?