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The Official Mister Poll Forum

mister poll down

Posted by benzo-poll on 2008-02-26 21:32:53

hi thats the message I get when I try to submit in a random poll:

Error An error has occurred. Please try again in a few minutes.

waiting for those minutes didn't help ....

what's going on here?

Posted by Cody4545 on 2008-02-26 22:16:37

Thats been happening to me too.

Posted by Mister Poll on 2008-02-27 03:45:05

Hmmm... the next time it happens to you, could you copy the URL from your browser's address bar and post it in this thread? The random poll feature actually sends you to an individual poll's URL when it finds one for you. I'd like to see if it's hitting an error before or after the randomize works.

I just tested it a bit, and it seemed to work okay. I did get sent to a closed poll once though, so I do need to fix that.

Posted by Mister Poll on 2008-02-27 04:23:29

Ahh, I was able to make the error happen from my end. It turned out to be a database issue, which I believe is now fixed. Please let me know if you run into this again.
