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The Official Mister Poll Forum

How do I embed my poll?

Posted by tccoakley on 2008-02-28 01:45:08

On your home page it says you can embed a poll on your website. I don't see any embedding code, or any way to do this. How do embed my poll?

Posted by Mister Poll on 2008-02-28 03:03:39

It doesn't actually say "embed". It says you can "plug them into your web site". We don't have a true embedding feature yet, so you have to link to your poll with the URL. We do plan to build an embedding solution, but it will be awhile yet. With so many sites forbidding JavaScript, it's more complex to do embedding than it used to be.

Sorry I don't have better news for you at the moment.

Posted by dan4th on 2008-04-06 13:20:57

Thanks, that was my question too. The "plug them into" language does imply embedded polling. CNN doesn't say I can plug their images into my website, but I can certainly link to them. Would it be possible to change that language until embedding is a reality?