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The Official Mister Poll Forum

'Old Results' Link

Posted by knowlesey on 2008-11-02 08:29:18

Hey I was just wondering when you click on the 'Old Results' link are those results including the vote that I just cast or are they old results that no longer count?

Posted by Blackninja133 on 2008-11-02 15:12:11

They are compeletly seperate. In the FAQ, it says:

We realize the separation is not ideal; however, it was necessary. The old Mister Poll site only kept the total number of votes. The new system is much more advanced. It actually keeps every individual vote (anonymously), and for multi-question polls, it remembers which votes were submitted together. This lets you download the voting records for detailed analysis, such as cross-question patterns, as well as for accessing fill-in-the-blank and essay answers.

The summary-only data from the old web site simply isn't compatible with the new voting system. It doesn't have the necessary details. We did want everybody to still have access to their old results though, so we made them available as a separate "legacy" result type.

So they are just old results that just don't count.