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The Official Mister Poll Forum

Announcement: Adult Boards and Adult Polls will be Deleted

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Posted by Mister Poll on 2015-12-28 07:32:42

Happy Holidays, Misterpollsters!

We have finally arrived at a major decision. Starting today, we will no longer host explicit adult polls and messages. The polling site has unfortunately become an avenue for abuse, targeting to minors, and many other potentially criminal offenses.

We will begin deleting these while we do the redesign. If you want to save your old adult-themed polls, please do so now as it will be taken out of the site soon.

The reason for the decision is to keep the site family-friendly in the upcoming revamp.

We know that this decision will make the site lose a segment of our loyal users. It was a tough call but we believe that this is for the best.

We thank you for understanding.