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Rules to Write an Analytical Essay

Posted by Jacksonmartin on 2021-05-18 07:25:51

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Posted by MK235 on 2021-09-29 19:41:29

BIRTHDAY PARTY GAMES: OVER 10 INDOOR AND OUTDOOR GAMES The game is a moment of aggregation, of liberation, of expression. There are different types of games, depending on the age they are aimed at, the time of year, the place you have available to play and the material you can use. In order for the games to run smoothly and for all participants to enjoy themselves, a person must be in charge of organizing the games. Even if you are not a professional animator, a parent (or whoever it is) will be able to organize the birthday party successfully. THE GAME MUST BE EXPLAINED To organize the games it is necessary to explain them in the best possible way. Knowing how to explain a game well is of fundamental importance for its success. It is important to follow 3 aspects: The explanation must be clear and brief, and in any case always shorter than the game itself. you have to give it a try before you start playing. In this way it is immediately clear if the explanation was sufficiently clear and correct and if the children understood the game and the rules well. If foreseen, all the material must be delivered to the children immediately. What games to organize at the birthday party? A few days before the party you have to choose the games to play, taking into account a series of variables: Where will the games take place? Outdoors or indoors, at home, in a park, by the pool, etc. What is the age of the children? When is the party? The activities change whether the party is in the afternoon or evening, whether it is summer or winter ... What material is needed? The ideal is to establish a lineup of games, so as to alternate games of movement with quieter games. If you organize a game that includes a prize (team, couple or individual) you must prepare the gifts in advance. We have collected over 10 games to organize for a birthday party . For each game you will find a brief description, what you need to play the game, an indication of whether it is a quiet or lively game and the place where the game can be organized Embrace the circle It is a group game that helps to socialize. For this game, there must be a lot of party guests. Boys must form a circle with their backs turned inwards; the sissies form a circle looking the males in the face. The outer circle must consist of one more girl than the inner circle of the children. (if you have more boys, do the opposite. If you don't have numbers that allow this subdivision, mix the children). All children must be given a ticket with the number written on it and a copy of the ticket is placed in the container. For example, I have 10 party guests. I have to prepare 20 cards: I write two cards with the number 1, two cards with the number 2 ... up to number 10. I give one ticket to the boy, the other I put in the container. When the music starts, the two circles start spinning in reverse to each other. When the music stops, each child has to hug a maschietto. The child who will be left alone is eliminated and will draw a note from the jar. The child who has the drawn number is eliminated. Push with your nose It is played in small groups, depending on the space, the number of children and the oranges available. A starting line and the finishing line are marked. On all fours or on his stomach, the child must push the orange with his nose until he reaches the finish line. Little train All the children line up. Everyone embraces the player who precedes him, taking him for life. The children begin to walk, glued to each other. At first, children are told to walk slowly. Then various indications are given: increase the pace, turn right, walk backwards, turn left, accelerate, stop, "tunnel" (everyone must walk bent over) ... The first to fall gets in front, acting as a locomotive. My age game? It is just like the "my age today" game. In this game all kids have to tell their birth date to everyone. And all others have to remember each other's birthday, and then the game begins. one can ask anyone’s birthday date or one can ask others how old am I today. Whoever gives the right answer gets gifts. The killer The children line up, with their backs to the game leader (animator or parent). The game leader assigns the parts: 3 taps for the killer, 2 taps for the policeman, 1 tap for the passer-by. Once the parts are assigned, the players begin to stroll. The killer has to kill someone by pinching. If he pinches the policeman, he is immediately arrested. If the killer has pinched a passerby, the latter must take a couple of steps and fall to the ground. The other passersby continue to walk. Meanwhile, the cop must guess who the killer is before he strikes again. Running shoes A starting line and a finishing line are drawn. Each child takes off a shoe and puts it behind the finish line, The more shoes there are, the bigger the pile. If there are shoes with laces and shoes with tears, two groups must be made otherwise the game is not balanced. At the start, the children jump on one foot to the finish line. Each child has to find their own shoe, put it on and lace it up, and return to the starting line. Whoever goes back first wins.

Dance of the broom The children must be odd in number. All the children divide into pairs, except one who will have a broom as a partner. We start dancing. Whenever he wants, the child with the broom can exchange the broom with a child of a couple. This continues until the music stops and the child with the broom is eliminated (or does penance). Calculating number of days days It is a calculating days game where they all have to calculate number of days between two dates within 20 seconds, it is the best game to improve mathematics, as it forces them to add and subtract, This game needs paper and pen or Board and marker, one child would write any two dates and would ask any one to answer how many days between these two dates within 5 -10 seconds. Spaghetti dance The children divide into pairs and dance with spaghetti in their mouth. When the spaghetti breaks, the couple is eliminated. The Ford Create a virtual river, quite wide. To cross the ford, the child has to put his foot on the brick (a thick book, for example the telephone directory - if you can still find one -). Balancing on the brick, he takes the brick that is left behind and puts it forward and so on. Whoever gets to the virtual river bank first, without falling into the river, wins.

Twins The children are divided into pairs. They sit on the ground, back to back and with their arms tied to the other child. From this position they must try to get up. The pair that gets up first wins. The balloon pops Blow up the balloons. All children must tie a balloon to their ankle, with a string long enough for the balloon to crawl on the ground and not be attached to the ankle. The aim of the game is to pop the other children's balloon and not to pop your own.