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The Official Mister Poll Forum

Abbreviation MVP

Posted by tispisofye on 2021-11-29 07:02:14

What is hidden under the abbreviation MVP and why is it so often used at the initial stages of product development? Should I entrust the development to an external IT company, or is it better to attract resources and do it inside the organization?

Posted by Shakran88 on 2021-11-29 07:57:34

MVP is a minimally viable product that is made for testing ideas and hypotheses, collecting feedback from the first consumers. It can be implemented in 10 stages and try to avoid the most common mistakes. If you are planning to create a new product, start with MVP https://itoutposts.com/ : this will avoid large resource losses in case of poor idea potential. Outsourcing allows the company to focus on its main thing. When outsourcing, choose a supplier that you trust and communicate effectively with. Having your own development team is a luxury. You will need to invest a lot of money in their support, you need to equip a workplace for each employee and you will need to pay a salary on an ongoing basis, even after the completion of the project!