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Posted by mya on 2006-11-21 00:07:47

I say Hillary Duff is the most untalented celebrity. You should add Kevin Fedderline on the most untalented celebrity. Those two just suck. Please don't vote for Paris Hilton because I like her.

Posted by deepdarkdesire on 2006-12-27 21:54:46

Hilary Duff is untalented? Don't you remember... Fly Rock This World Haters So Yesterday Come Clean

Hilary can blow singers twice her age out of the water! She's so talented she dumped that jerk Joel Madden! Good for her! Meanwhile, you wanna talk about wasted talent? Pamela Anderson couldn't act to save her life!

Hey...you wanna take a Hilary Duff spanking poll? http://www.misterpoll.com/762017896.html Also...Alexis Bledel (since they're both from Houston) http://www.misterpoll.com/3868851020.html